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Chapter 3 by Nom Nom Nom de Plume Nom Nom Nom de Plume

"What's the job?"

A Missing Persons Case

"It's my sister, Tekka. I haven't been able to contact her for days, and I'm worried she's in trouble."

"I'm not sure what Easu told you, but my line of work generally involves bringing the target back either kicking and screaming or in a bodybag. This sounds more like a police situation. I'll go ahead and assume you've tried that?"

She glances away, suddenly avoiding eye contact. "I'm afraid this is a matter that the police can't help me with."

"Sounds like there's a story there."

She blushes, her cheeks turning a quite fetching purple. She's cute when she's embarrassed, you decide. Still avoiding your eyes, she continues her tale. "I work for a man named Xumir Moriet, a member of the Senator of Falleen's staff, in an... unofficial capacity." Mistress, you translate silently. Falleen wasn't known for its money, or influence in the Senate. They ARE known for running a different, particularly unpleasant, organization, so if this guy is keeping a mistress as beautiful as Ranna he must be...

"Wait, don't tell me," you interrupt her, holding out your hand and wiggling your fingers. "I'm getting a picture... Blue Stars? Yellow planets? No... Black Suns!" Turns out Ranna is cute when she's unnamused too. You get why this Xumir guy would keep her around. "Don't tell the Stormtroopers, but I might be a Jedi."

"Officially, he is the Senator's trade advisor. Unofficially, he has some unsavory ties, it's true. It's those ties that have me worried. For as long as she's been old enough, Tekka has joined me at various events for the Senator." Ranna frowns slightly. "I had hoped my earnings would make it so she wouldn't have to do that kind of work, but she is quite pretty and the Senator insists on having the both of us around. And Tekka is a good girl who wants to help out, so she takes the invitations. Who am I to argue?"

You nod sympathetically, but don't love where this is going. "You think she met up with one of Xumir's gangster friends and ran off?"

"I think she was taken! She wouldn't run off, she's smarter than that!"

You're pretty sure you have the gist of the job now, and start running numbers in your head. "Well, whatever happened, I can probably find her. Usually, we expect a bonus for the 'alive' part of 'dead or alive', but I'm assuming you'd like her intact? So: missing person, brought back alive, possible Suns involvement? We're looking at 5000 credits. Half now, half when she's safe at home. Plus another 500 for expenses. That's up front, but I'll reimburse you for whatever doesnt get used."

You notice Ranna's eyes growing wide at your quote. She's... less cute when she's filled with despair. "I've gotten together what I can before I came, but it's only 1000 credits." You can't help but wince. 5000 is, frankly, the 'beautiful woman discount' for this job as it is. "I have jewelry. And dresses! Presents from Xumir. I can sell them and make up most of the difference, but it will take time..."

You groan inwardly. Beautiful woman, exciting work? It's always too good to be true. You should probably take the job regardless; nothing else on the bounty boards right now is worth your time, and you aren't comfortable letting your jobless run continue much longer. The only question is what you're going to get out of it.

You're reasonably confidant she's not lying about her funds, which leaves you with two options. You could take the job, bank on her spreading the word of your quality work and improving your reputation, and hope she can get the rest of the money together like she says she can. That might lead to better work in the future. Or you could push for... less reputable compensation. It might make you look like a slimeball to future clients (and like a bit if a cliche, if we're honest), but it's better than nothing.

How are you going to settle payment?

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