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Chapter 5 by exclusively4porn exclusively4porn

Doe Harry get his hands on time now or does something else happen?

> Jessica will only trust Harry Nelson

Jessica wobbled to her feet, the hoots and hollers of the wild crowd egging her on for more. Sweat coated her brow as she tried to remember what was happening. She was signing autographs and taking pictures, having a great time with her fans. And then something different happened, right? Right. Her pussy was on fire. Like it was just then! Jessica cried out as another orgasm ripped through her.

Her legs gave out and she fell forward, landing on something squishy. In fact, she barely fell at all. She struggled to pull her head up to see what she had hit, and discovered that it was in fact a who! He looked familiar, but here at Comic Con, a lot of people looked like him. "Sorry..." she mumbled, trying to push herself back up. "I'm not feelin-" She cried out again as the sensations returned to her nethers, gripping him tight to stay on her feet.

"It's okay," he said tenderly. "Everything's going to be alright now. I'm Harry Nelson." Instantly Jessica knew she could trust him. There was just something about him that formed confidence. He looked at her with kind eyes, but a slight smirk on his face. But she was too exhausted to care, she just needed to leave.

"Please help me," she whispered, tears forming in her eyes. "I don't know what's happening to meee-e-eeee-e!!" Another orgasm tore through her body, and Harry held her tight. Once she was stable again, he stood her up and approached her assistant.

"Okay, we need to take care of this fast," he said. "I'm from Medical; I'll take her to the med station. You need to stay here and deal with this crowd. Calm them down, wait for security, I don't care. Just deal with it." The assistant nodded and started running through his standard checklist for crowd-control. As the fat guy turned away from him, the assistant could have sworn he noticed a sly grin on his face. But that wasn't important, these nerds were getting out of control! And there was only Gerald Stanton to stop them!

Harry walked back to Jessica and put his arm around her. She leaned into him, her steps still coming with struggle. Occasionally having to stop to deal with her cumming, they made their way across the hall.

After a few minutes, Harry lead her over to a stairwell and leaned her against a wall. He looked around for a moment before pulling his phone from his pocket. Normally, Jessica would be worried that someone helping her was stopping to text, but this was Harry! He's probably just letting the other medical people know he's coming. Harry put his phone away and wrapped his arm around her again, this time a little higher than before.

"How did you get here?" he asked, his fingers trailing along the side of her breast. Jessica thought for a moment, trying to remember. She noticed that the sensations had levelled out. There was still a dull throbbing, like a vibrator on the lowest setting. Enough to keep her mind cloudy but not enough to completely break her. Just the way Harry programmed it.

"Uh..." Jessica murmured. "I took a cab from the hotel. Yeah, that was it. Right?" Harry scrunched his face in annoyance.

"Alright, personal car would have been easier," he muttered to himself. "Look, we need to get you out of here. You aren't doing well and we don't want someone to take advantage of you, do we?" Jessica shook her head while Harry squeezed her boob. "So I'll leave the choice up to you: Do we make a break for a cab and get out of here right now, or go into the back and change into something less boner-popping?" She looked down at her tight pink leather catsuit, and Harry pinching her now exposed nipple. So distracted she was by the sensation and her already clouded mind, she didn't notice Harry's phone out making the choice for her.

Where do you go?

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