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Chapter 2 by TheImp TheImp

Please indicate on your paperwork name, sex, and current position on the extended Kinsey Scale

(Some Authors Notes)

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I have a fetish for that transitional state of sexuality, the transformation of someone from not loving men to loving men slowly or the transformation of someone from not women to loving women slowly. The progression I find very hot.

Sorry that the first 4 characters are rather but their -ness makes their transformation all the sexier I think ;)

Different BTF will have different rules based on the area's local laws and philosophies and based on the current acting instructors philosophies, as such there's a lot of flexibility though I do intend this to be a fairly grounded realistic story.

The process that I will be using for the stories revolve around three steps

1: Breaking down negative associations in the subjects. This is done in a similar manner as exposure therapy, albeit unrealistically quickly and not just for anxiety or phobia, but for any disgust, distaste, or hatred.

2: Building up positive associations and incidental sexual attraction. This is done by several ways. One way is presenting transitional forms such as transsexuals, hermaphrodites, and gender-atypical examples of the sexes (tomboy/butchs and sissies) as objects of attraction to allow the subject to acclimate. Secondly is by by applying an extrinsic reward in association with the eroticism towards the non-desired sex so as to build a positive association. Thirdly if the non-desired sex is the same as the subject (IE encouraging homophilia) then encouraging the viewing of self as sexual object and subject, and so building positive sexual attitude towards self as example of sex. If the non-desired sex is opposite the subject this is built by demonstrating the superior traits of the opposite sex and dealing with any narcissistic elements that have built up. Fourthly is encouragement of masturbation methods strictly with methods and visual aids that reinforce the non-desired sex's attraction.

3: Building the incidental sexual attraction to full sexual attraction, going from highly gender a-typical examples more and more to the gender typical or even gender exaggerated examples of the sex.

But again that's just the process I am interested in and will be using. As different facilities will use different methods for above reasons, feel free to write a different methodology.

I will be trying to update all of the first 4 here. If one of the paths gets a lot of feedback I will probably focus on that one first.

The worldbuilding is a bit vague so as to allow for lots of possibilities. So if you want to add, go wild.

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