Ugly Duckling

Linda Summers must be saved by a man.

Chapter 1 by TedKaczynski TedKaczynski

Linda Summers, 21, was the biggest loser in her town. She hadn't once been molested, impregnated, kidnapped, or modded. Well, she was modded once when her father dragged her down to the mall for acne removal and liposuction, but those were bare minimum. Her family couldn't afford many mods and Linda's lack of users meant she was mainly natural. Linda wasn't one of those "All Natural" selectively bred whores, either. She was frankly rather ugly and she wasn't lucky enough to live in a country where mods were free, so no one wanted to waste money on an ugly bitch like her. Her skin was smooth from the acne removal, but it didn't glow and she had bags under her eyes. Her C-cup tits were only slightly perky, and her teeth were nothing to write home about. She wasn't curvy, either, and her pussy wasn't exaclty porn-worthy. Worse than ugly, she was smart. Linda Summers was the smartest woman in town: in high school she maintained straight C+'s until the 11th grade, when she got a B in history and her father beat her and made her promise to not get anything higher than a C- in grade 12. Even though she wasn't smart enough to qualify for Smart Insurance, one of the few government-provided mods designed to help poor families keep their women stupid, the name "SmartCunt" haunted her throughout her life.

Linda Summers was truly a woman only a father could ****, but her mother made sure Linda always held out hope for a better day when a knight in shining armor would lock her in his attic or take her down to the mall and mod her into a beautiful bimbo. These dreams had so far never become reality, even though Linda had been of modding age for 3 years. On her 18th birthday, the most important day of a woman's life, her brothers got carried away with her other sisters and her mother got the majority of the piss and cum. Without men to validate her, Linda was completely lost

Where does our story begin?

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