The Urban Immortal

The Urban Immortal

a parody

Chapter 1 by ANIMEFREAK9999 ANIMEFREAK9999

"Hey, you stop!"

A group of people walked towards me, led by a middle-aged man. There were about ten young men behind him, all of whom were wearing the same black clothes.

They belonged to the Qi Family, one of the three biggest families in our town.

I had never seen these people before, but I knew they were here for trouble.

The middle-aged man pointed at me and said, "We heard that there's a new prodigy in the Chen family who knows a bit of martial arts here? Let us see if you have any skills."

I frowned and said, "What do you want?"

The middle-aged man said, "We don't care what you want. We came here because we heard you are strong. Now show us!"

I sighed and shook my head. These people were really looking for trouble. But it was okay, since I was in the mood for a fight.

I stepped forward and punched the middle-aged man in the stomach. Then I grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back.

The man yelped in pain, but he couldn't break free from my grip.

I smiled at him and said, "You are not my opponent."

The other members of the Qi family were shocked. They didn't expect their leader to be defeated so easily.

One of them ran forward and tried to punch me, but I dodged his attack easily.

Then I used my God and Devil Cultivation technique to send him flying into the air. He landed hard on the ground, ****.

The rest of the Qi family members were scared now. They didn't dare to approach me anymore.

I laughed and said, "If you want to fight me, come at me together."

But none of them dared to move. They just stood there, frozen in fear.

I was about to kill all of them when someone suddenly appeared beside me. It was a woman dressed in black jacket and jeans. She was beautiful, with long black hair and eyes that seemed to look through everything.

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"Chen Fan, no need to dirty your hands with these trash. Leave them as they belong to the Qi family. We must not make them our enemies. "

What's next?

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