The Goblin Horde


Chapter 1 by ryuujester ryuujester

Ertun the old wizard cackled, his frail arm moving manically as he threw himself into his work.

He had an epiphany while he was sleeping last night. When he woke he knew that what ever this was would be glorious.

The door creaked open but Ertun was unconcerned, there was only one type of creature near his tower. What's more only one of the them would be allowed up here.

He turned his head looking at the goblin. Ertun smiled remembering his young days.

When he was young he had a run of bad luck and fled from his home kingdom. He traveled far and made the beginning of his tower here. That's when the goblins came.

They were filthy and disgusting, they looked like a cross between a horn frog and angry midget. Wielding sharpened sticks and rusty swords. It was pitiful.

They attack thinking a quick meal but with two spells and a hand full of cantrips he killed the lot of them. He would have put it out of his mind but then it dawned on him. He could use a good amount of slaves for his tower. Using magic was required but with slaves he could conserve power.

With that goal in mind Ertun hunted down all tribes around. It only took the wizard killing their strongest (which to be honest was just a sad slaughter) before they bowed down to him.

It took a couple of years but he had built his tower and a village around it for the goblins. At the end of it they numbered in the four or five hundred, it grew every so often when Ertun would get ahold of another tribe.

It was then that he started to experiment on them. Ertun made some stronger, some faster, some smarter. He trained a handful in magic but they weren't particularly good, just decent.

But then he got... Hungry. Ertun made them pretty. Some of them down right beautiful enough to match the elves. Others...not so much. Then there are the ones he experimented on, their unique lineage also continued.

He did that for a few years before the wizard grew bored with it and went back to normal magical experiment.

Ertun shook his head getting his focus back on the task at hand. He swirled his hands make arcane runes with magical light. Beakers and small cauldrons boiled around him at set intervals.

Everything was going perfect...then it all stopped.

Confused Ertun looked around wildly before the room exploded. He screamed as his body was torn a sunder, the magic from the spell surging all around.

For several long minutes this went before it went silent again. Slowly the magical smoke settled reveling a goblin standing in the wreckage.


All characters will be goblins, with the background above. This does not restrict gender or sexual tendencies.

Each goblin will have ONE magically gifted ability. No repeating abilities. Thats just boring. Example being time stopping to transformation or just godlike ability in one kind of magic.

Regardless of how they look or if they are man, woman or other or even gay, straight or bi, they are goblins. ****, plunder and kill to your hearts content. Maybe a few won't be like that but most will.

Who was the goblin?

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