The Final Humiliation

Mistress Edo faces down Mistress Perry. One wins. One obeys.

Chapter 1 by Blackhand Blackhand

"I don't know....." the girl admitted, rubbing the skin of her thighs. To Mistress Tenko Edo that nervousness was music. It had been a lengthy evening of cat and mouse games, but it all led to this moment. The girl was ready to give in. If she could find somewhere to stuff a phone or a watch in the intricate leather work of her domina outfit, she'd have set her alarm for two minutes, because by the point this cutey would be under the table lapping her up.

"I know it's confusing dear," Mistress Edo places her hands on the girl's wrists re-affirmingly. The girl looked up from her lap. She had curly blond hair that seemed to naturally hide her eyes. She was a newbie of course. Heard about the club through the internet. These were the kind of prey that tended to get swiped up quickly. By the end of the night one of the dominas would have her on a leash. It would be good because recently Mistress Edo had been on a bit of a cold st-

"It's not that," she had such pretty eyes. "It's just...well....remember when you were in the bathroom about ten minutes ago?"

"...yes?" Okay, that was not what she expected her to say. Unless she was going to follow up by saying she was thinking of her or something. Otherwise, this conversation went off map. Mistress Edo felt a familiar turn in her stomach.

"Well some of the other girls here talked to me for a second and they mentioned-" The girl glanced towards the north end balcony. Her hands pulled backwards from Mistress Edo's grasp.

"Of fuck," Mistress Edo facepalmed into her black leather glove.

"That you were actually a sub?" The girl was looking at her with a suspicious gaze.

"I'm not a sub," Mistress Edo huffed.

"Then, why did I keep hearing-" The girl stammered. She saw that Mistress Edo had taken offense, but it seemed like in mere seconds her entire posture lost it's gazelle in the headlights flavor.

"I'm not a sub, okay?" Mistress Edo gnashed her teeth. Every. Single. Time. Every single fucking time. "I subbed once, okay? It was a heat of the moment kind of thing! I was tricked! I'm not a sub!"

"Uh huh," that outburst didn't help. If anything it had undermined the entire previous hour and a half of smooth talking. "You don't sound very domme-like right now. Thank you for your time. I appreciate you helping me out and all. But, I think perhaps I'm looking for something else."

"I'm not a sub!" Mistress Edo exclaimed again, as the cute girl walked away. Nearby she saw Mistress Alexander snicker to herself. But, that wasn't the bit that hurt. The bit that hurt was the girl kneeling at her feet giggled to herself too. Mistress Edo's face went red with indignation.

She looked up towards the north end balconey, and she could have sworn she saw that fucking bitch wave.

Yozah! Mistress Edo Must Be Pissed. What Is She Going To Do About It?

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