The Control App

The Control App

A app made to spy on people... and maybe Control.

Chapter 1 by Dunn811 Dunn811

Mike and Aaliyah were a normal couple, pretty fit for their age. Mike was 45 and Aaliyah 41. Mike had 3 daughter with is first wife. Aaliyah never had one children but were in relation with Mike for over 10 years now.

It was tough for Mike to divorce is first wife but he had too. She became mean and she cheated on him several time. Even after the divorce she would show Mike videos of her getting fucked by black man and even is best friend who was white. He had to block her number and it took him maybe 5 years to be ready to commit in another relationship.

Aaliyah was a sweet girl, shy and polite. Generous with everyone.

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Mike couldn’t be more happy.

Hannah the youngest daughter he had was still living with them. The other two daughter were in apartment. Hannah had the best connection with her mother. She was sweet but rebellious.

Aaliyah was at is work and Mike was doing chores until he saw Hannah cellphone. Hannah was at school and Mike was surprised she let her phone at home. He continued is chores until he got curious and opened her cellphone. There was no pass luckily.

He went to is email, looked at the app she was using. He went to is message. He could read message of her best friends and than the one with her her wife. Mike was pissed she was still talking to her knowing how bad of a mother she was.

He was a bit surprised of how sexual the conversation was and not into them but it’s like she was sending her some boys to date her and tried to give her tips to please them sexually.

Mike close the phone but than reopened it and looked at the message again until he found some boys talking to her and sending her videos.

‘’Look at you slut, your almost as good as your mother’’

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Mike couldn’t believe it. They were in school and Hannah had her cheerleader outfit on. She was getting spanked. They looked pretty much alone in that class. She was with two boys.

Mike still couldn’t believe her precious angel was getting spanked like that and treated like a whore.

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The one messaging her was sending her so many dirty text. Calling her white bitch, white slut, white ****.

Mike started thinking if it’s was is ex wife fault sending those boys to her. She was sucking both dick. It was shocking to Mike he needed to help her but he couldn’t for now.

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She was getting fucked and slapped again while sucking the other black man dick. What a horrible scene. Her poor daughter getting used like this and treated like a submissive girl. What could he do?

He could hear her scream of pain after each slap and hear the balls slapping her small ass. It looked really rough. She was licking and slurping the black balls of the other guys who was playing with her tits. Pinching it and slapping them.

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He could hear the boys treating her like shit, she just swallowed one load of one boys and the other one was saying he would put a black baby in her belly. The other boys said wait up she could serve us more before that.

Mike was powerless. He couldn’t believe what was going on.

He deleted all the message and blocked the number before closing it.

Aaliyah went back from work and they talked with each other for hours. Mike was talking about what he found on Hannah cellphone. Aaliyah told Mike it wasn’t OK to spy on people cellphone or things but she understood Hannah could be in trouble.

When Hannah went back to school Mike went straight to her and told her what he found in is phone. Hannah slapped him and told him he was a horrible father.

The next day everything was more calm and Mike said he was sorry but he wanted to be sure Hannah was fine. Hannah told her she was fine it was just sex nothing else and it was consensual. Mike didn’t talk about her mom since it was tough for him to mention her every time.

After a week, Hannah phone was alone and she in the shower. Mike couldn’t resist to take her phone and watch if she had new message. He opened it but found she had a password now. Mike was pissed. He couldn’t help her daughter anymore…

He decided to go to a Future shop. He went straight to a worker there and asked him if he could find something to find cellphone password.

The worker laughed at first saying it was illegal.

Mike started explaining it was an emergency for is work something really terrible could happened.

The worker named Angelo looked behind him and told him no but gave her a card with details of a location. Angelo went away.

Mike decided to go to the location of the card angelo gave him. It was a small house that looked like nothing. Mike didn’t even know if someone was living there. He knock several time without any answer and when he was about to go someone opened the door.

Mike said he was there because of Angelo and told him is situation. He was named Bob and said he could help him but it would cost him 10K for the Application. Bob explained it was an application he was selling for the big boss and creator of this App. He told there was two version of this App but he could only install the first one which was something basic like opening every phone in the planet and see what’s inside. He could control the camera and reply to message or whatever.

The other version was the more interesting one. He explained he couldn’t give or sell it because it was highly illegal and FBI would literally killed everybody and burned everything if they knew you were in possession of it. He told mike the Telephone waves can actually control the person and change is habits for the best or for the worse.

He said the big boss showed him one time and it’s called the control app. It have options like submission, domination, corruption and many more. The person in control of the cellphone instantly change when the options go higher or lower.

Mike was thinking it would be the perfect thing for him so he could lower her daughter submission and corruption! He was asking if there’s anyway he could have it? Bob told him no even at 1 million dollar he wouldn’t give it to him but he started praising the Lower version of the control app he was willing to install him for 10K.

Mike really wanted the big version but paid 10K for it. It took several minute for Bob to install it. Bob told him to be discreet with it and he couldn’t copy the version it was locked. Mike returned home. He had now the control app in is phone. He could spy on anyone but is main goal was to help her Daughter. He didn’t want her to become a slut like her Mother.

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