Temptation In The Big City

Temptation In The Big City

In the big city, temptation might be too much...

Chapter 1 by JaneOfTheNight JaneOfTheNight

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Welcome! This is an interactable series revolving around your character, a relationship on the rocks, temptation and new beginnings. Make sure to click the 'new game' option over on the side, and fill out your name, hometown, and husband! The hope is to present a spicy story I'd also like to thank cphi's Staying Faithful for being an inspiration for this thread!**Before jumping in, please read the guidelines!**

Your name is Laura Jade, and things haven't exactly been going your way.

The last few years have been exceedingly rough. It was strange to finally admit that, but it was true. You'd always seen yourself as lucky. You were, after all, in one of those extremely rare long-term relationships with your High School sweetheart. Hell, at the end of the month you're going to be married five years, a massive milestone for any relationship. Five years married, eight together... it should be a happy time.

You met Joe your junior year of High School. Before you met him, you were...

What sort of life did you live before you met him?

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