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Chapter 2 by JaneOfTheNight JaneOfTheNight

What sort of life did you live before you met him?


You weren't exactly alone before you met Joe. I mean, you were sixteen, you'd met plenty of guys and girls that interested you. You might've even went down on one or two of them. The ways of relationships weren't new to you... but love? Love was new to you, and Joe was all you wanted in this world. Cheaper affections be damned.

And now, you found yourself on the other side of love. It happened gradually. You dropped out of college to marry him at twenty, a proposal that happened so quickly you couldn't even think of saying no. You had your big, white wedding (paid for by your parents), you had your honeymoon and your very own apartment in Larsville. Life seemed... perfect.


Thing was, you two had barely known each other when you got together. You barely knew yourself. And eventually the cracks just started to show. You didn't hate Joe, but... it just seemed like he took you for granted. So many nights sat in the apartment, television on, drinks in hand, barely speaking to each other.

He was comfortable in the silence. He thought it was a content silence. You, meanwhile, were miserable.

A few months ago, you both decided to take a break. It was surprisingly amicable. He wasn't angry when you told him about how lonely you felt, or how you felt like you were losing your mind as a house wife. Eventually, you decided to take a break, and he was fine with that.

The problems didn't start until you told him you were moving out. Again, he didn't get angry. You just thought it finally sunk in that you might not come back... and that made him grumpy, and defensive. Even moreso when you told him_ where _you were going.

New York City.

You'd always dreamed of it. Big lights, a big city. A new life. It became this unattainable dream you fantasized about at night... and luckily, your family (who had grown to dislike Joe were willing to pay for three months rent in a Brooklyn apartment, just until you got on your feet.

And so, you were gone. The day you left, Joe approached you, and begged you to give him a chance. Try long-distance. He wouldn't get in the way of you chasing your dream, as long as you agreed to keep him in mind. To live as if you both were still married, just on different sides of the continent.

You felt bad for him... so you agreed. You parted on good terms, agreeing that you'd try long distance, and that if things worked out either you'd move home or he'd move to Brooklyn.

And so, your new adventure began.

What's next?

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