

Things are gonna take a turn for the worse.

Chapter 1 by Lerwy Lerwy

It's a good night to kill a queen, **** hangs heavy in the air, and the dancers are engulfed within their revelry.

The queen lays, in perfect peace within her grand tent. Or so she thinks, until a rugged hand tightens around her neck, forcing her into a fit of wet gasps. As you bore your eyes into hers you feel the glyph of Return tugging you back to a cliff overlooking the camp grounds, you let the glyph run its course and teleport to the rocky overhead. At your return the Feeders rocket off towards the campgrounds, fifty pale figures fly overhead the gusts of air tossing your hair. Black streaks paint the sky, shrieks echoing into the night, the Feeding has begun. The Feedlings fly low, and lethal, bombarding the ground below with glyphs of Hate, crackling blasts of pure malice tearing the Keshemi into little more than chunks of meat and bone to be gnawed upon later, some grab people by their arms, bringing them high into the sky until letting them drop to the ground below, the wet crunch of bones and splintering flesh cause the queen to convulse and beg. "This is what you brought upon your people. This is YOUR doing! Feel it. Their blood, their screams, oh their SCREAMS!." Your harsh roars rip into the night and into the queen's ear, still **** her you **** her to watch the massacre of her most beloved family members. The third moon Ozma, hangs overhead, glistening red, the lone watcher in a night with no stars. Below you can see Grism, a massive Eater, rippling with muscle and contempt, he kicks the king to the ground, and raises both his head and grimsteel hatchet to you. A manic laugh explodes from your throat, as you **** the queen to her knees, hand still grasping her neck, you turn her supple ass towards you and drop your trousers. Your cock is aching, hot with lustful blood and desire, you tear the queen's thin shift, revealing her bronzed skin and pussy. She jerks and twists, **** attempts to free herself, and **** her gaze away from the impending **** of her husband.

You are unflinching. You **** her stare to the grounds below, and your cock into her cunt, and to your triumph it's moist with flowing juices. "IT COULDN'T BE. The mighty Queen of the Keshemi, Breaker of Stones, Starver of the Eaters. Dripping like a common whore from witnessing the **** of her people." You thrust with reckless abandon, slamming into the queen's pussy, her cries and tears causing the aching in your cock to swell. Grism, grins, and buries the hatchet deep into the base of the king's skull, the regal lord twitches, and spasms. The queen's scream is unlike anything you've heard. So much raw emotion pours out of her voice, you almost feel bad. Almost. Grinning with glee you continue pounding mercilessly, until your corrupted seed pours into the womb of the queen. She shudders and collapses as you weaken your grip, a heavy glaze has set over her eyes. The eyes of someone who has lost everything. "Oh, my dear, dear queen." you lift her head with a gentle hand, "The nights only just begun, my fellow Eaters have their own grievances with you as you must know, now come. Isn't it proper to see through every single one of them?"

Is there any hope for the Keshemi

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