Playing With Family version 1

Rainy day...playing doctor...what could go wrong?

Chapter 1 by Doctorsgirl Doctorsgirl

When my parents said we were going to visit our family in the south part of Ohio...I wasn't happy. The last time we were there was boring; we couldn't do anything but stay in one room together with the cousins and watch movies or listen to the radio.
Oh sure me and Fred had funny stories to tell of pranks we pulled at school...but everything else was just slow. Like Jeffery; he's the oldest of the bunch and plays guitar but he doesn't talk much...dresses like a goth. Then there's Chris and girl cousins. Chris was the youngest of the two.
They and my sister could make fun; painting nails, gossip, do each other's get the idea.
So yeah...I wasn't excepting much for an eighteen year old to do when we got there. Jane, my sister, brought a friend with her. Needless to say I was jealous beyond normal.
When we did arrive at the house, it was the same routine; we'd greet my aunts and uncle...they'd show us our rooms...say hi to the cousins and then the 'adults' would go and talk in the other room.
To my dismay, not, Jeffery wasn't there this year. He was away at collage and it was just Fred, Chris and Janet this year. But I liked Fred.
He was my roommate this year, and I couldn't be more happier.
"THere's John Doe!" He exclaimed, giving me a bear hug when I walked in. "How ya been, Bud?"
"fine." I tell him. "Better now that I've seen you."
He laughed and I put my stuff on the bed that was empty. I notice that Fred was taller than before. "You've grown."
Fred grinned. "You bet. I've been playing Basketball for the past two years now; naturally I had a growth spurt."
We spent the next few hours talking about what we had been doing since we saw each other last; from pranks to music, to movies to video went by so fast.
My mom entered the room and said that they were going into town to pick up somethings and needed an extra hand. Sadly Fred was the one to go.
"Don't worry bud." He whispered to me. "I'll be back before the Harpies attack ya."
'Harpies' being my sister and girl cousins, and I watched him get into the car and leave from the window.
I sat on my bed and played with my Sudoku book for the next twenty minutes before I heard the rain. It was loud and beat the ground hard. Hopefully Fred and the adults would be ok.
Realizing I hadn't explored this house in a long time...I saved my place in my book and went into the hallway. I knew all the rooms down stairs, but not the ones UPstairs. I knew Chris, Janet, my sister and her friend were in one room, I could hear them giggling and chatting like chickens.
The rooms I found were: Bathroom, Study, another Bathroom, extra Bedroom and stairs leading up to the Attic.
I haven't been up there since I was little. I climbed the steps, and opened the door at the top before turning on the light. There were just some boxes of junk, an old coffee table, an old play house-with very high walls- and a few trunks. The walls were covered with flowery wallpaper. this had been our old play room long ago. But the trunks were new.
I looked through one trunk and found it full of old picture albums and scrap books.
I nearly shrieked at the voice and turned to see my sister in the room. "What are you doing, Jane?!"
"That's my line, John."
My sister Jane was three years older than me, as well as a athlete. She wasn't big in the chest area like some girls but she was still pretty.
"I just wanted to see what was up here." I tell her. "Haven't seen this place since we were little, you know?"
She nodded. "Yeah. I remember playing up here...we had fun, huh?"
I close the trunk as Jane opened the other one, the rain was loud up here and I didn't hear her gasp.
"Hey, check this out!"
I look over her shoulder to see inside; there was an old doctor bag, diaphragms of body parts, modern medical tools, and a white coat.
"Wow." Was all I could say. "How old are they?"
I rolled my eyes and went over to the play house, which had a curtain for a door. I flicked on the light switch, and the over head lamp went on. The ceiling was high, so I didn't hit my head, the walls inside were white and there was a table and small bed...I remembered Jane and the girls playing house in here. My aunt kept the place clean up here for there was not speck of dust. Jane came over, dragging the trunk.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"I thought we could take this stuff out to see them better."
The next few minutes were spent unrolling charts, examining the tools, and so on. The charts were from about ten years a few were from the sixteen hundreds. (Had to be REALLY careful with those.) As I was looking at the old bag, Jane tapped my shoulder. "I have an idea..."
"Why don't we play doctor with these tools?"
I shook my head. "No way. This stuff is old...we don't know were they've been."
"We can clean them. You just drop 'em in **** and let them sit for a few minutes."
"No way."
"Come on! We're alone up here...and this place is clean enough. We can even play in the play house...I'll get a old sheet for the bed."
"I don't-What about your friend?"
"Francine will be fine. She and our cousins are fan girl-ling over a movie star I've never heard of...they'll be at it for hours."
"I still think-!"
"Please John?"
There was no winning against her. "Fine."
She hugged me and went down stairs for the sheet. I picked up the stuff and put it on the table in the playhouse; laying them out. there was a tool to look at the eyes and inside the ears, a pen light, stethoscope, rubber hammer, the thing that takes the blood pressure, and a few odd metal devices that look like a bird beak when opened. Weird...
Jane came back up and quickly put the sheet on the bed's mattress, before pouring some **** into a Tupperware from the kitchen and putting the tools in it. She then turned to me, "Since you found this can be the doctor and I'll be the patient."
Jane looked me in the eye. "You have to examine me like a real doctor...which means you have to look at EVERY inch of me. I won't wear don't in a REAL doctor exam."
I began to sweat. This was nuts! But then I thought...I won't get another chance.
"Okay...but at least let me leave you to change. I don't want to watch you undress."
"Fine." She chirped. "And if things go good...we might even invite Francine, Chris and Janet to join us."
Oh God...
She shooed me out and I waited outside until she could say I could come in. Just what did I agree to?

Do the Cousins, Francine come in? Or do you examine Jane?

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