Orc Toy

Orc Toy

Slavery could be worse.

Chapter 1 by Titlecardpink Titlecardpink

The first thing you remember were the screams, the guttural high pitched shrieks of pain and ****. Then the door being kicked across the tiny hut your family had seeked shelter in, followed by the hulking dark green beast that stalked through, her eyes glowing bright red as she swung her axe and cleaved through your mother and sister's necks. In desperation you grabbed the nearest knife and managed to wound her just below the rib. Howling with fury the she orc slammed you across the jaw sending you straight into unconsciousness. Now you are in a cage, covered by cloth to stop any daylight from streaming in, you can hear the mangled language of the orcs outside and your skin crawls. As your eyes adjust slightly to the darkness you can make out the figure of a she orc standing right in front of you. With a jolt you crack your head against the hard metal of the cage and rattle the chains tying you down. "Ah, you are awake. Good." the orc says as she wraps her meaty hands around your head, "It is so much better when they are awake." she says to no one but herself. A inquisitive comment was just about to exit your mouth, but you find it stifled by a thick, warm shaft of meat. You gagged at the feeling of veins pulsing inside of your slender mouth and the stench of sweat and musk filling your nostrils, the she orc had just **** its cock inside of your mouth. You now know why they had taken you prisoner, to be a sex ****.

As your eyes widen with fear and realization the orc throws up her head and laughs heartily, "Zis will be a great ride home!"

Her continued thrusts against the back of your throat cut off any oxygen you might have received, and you pass out once again at the hands or in this case cock of an orc.

Where do you wake up?

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