My Scary Server

My Scary Server

A discord server goes wrong

Chapter 1 by greenestlemon321 greenestlemon321

You press the button on your computer, glancing at your reflection in the black screen. You're alright looking you suppose; raggy brown hair over a long face decently in proportion, a narrow frame with slightly too much weight on your tummy with ample tits, all wrapped in a slept in singlet and pajama pants. The blue windows loading screen vanishes the image, the bright light painful to your adjusting eyes. Everything opens by itself as usual; Steam, Spotify and Discord. You click the little blue icon to open it up. You have a handful of servers which you have joined, but you only regularly check one called 'Mah Gurrllzzz', an ancient artifact of your youth. You scroll down the messages your three friends, your only friends really, have sent while you were asleep. The usual; Giuliana's long winded complaints about the boys on her course, Marie's sweet messages of support, and Yara changing the subject entirely to her new tongue piercing with a picture, all from a coupled of hours ago. Ew. As you are reading, a new message pops up, a notification that someone has been added to the group. You frown. Noone had been added to the group in all the time the girls had had the server together. You see Yara begin to type, and Giuliana respond with an ':O', before her message pops up:

Yarayara: "sorry sory! this is Lula (shes V in disco) and i added her so we dont have to play with a random every game"

You raise an eyebrow. She should have asked, but all of your favourite games are five player multiplayer games, and having a random has always been a pain for your group. You open up a DM with Marie as a few other messages pop in.

V: "Hi hi"
SweetGurl: "yo"
MummaMar: "Hello <3 welcome"

You hurriedly type:

Cassette: "Did Yara ask you about this?"

To Marie before returning your own reply to V.

Cassette: "Hiya!"
V: "Thanks for the reception :kiss:"
Yarayara: "we keen for a game?"
MummaMar: "Sure! <3"
SweetGurl: "yuh"
Cassette: "sure"

You load up the game, the others hopping into the server voice chat as you grab your headphones. As you wait for the game to load, you see a reply for Marie:

MummaMar: "No, but she seems nice."

Ever the sweety.

Cassette: "Yep!"

You reply, clicking on V's profile image. Its a picture of a woman, one you can only assume is V herself, and you can't help but feel a pang of jealousy. She has silvery hair which runs very long and drapes over face, shining grey eyes (contacts surely?), and pale, exquisite features. In the image she is wearing a low cut shirt showcasing her impressive cleavage and is staring intently past the camera at the screen.

Yarayara: "you coming cass????"

You close the image with a jump and hop in the call.
"Sorry!" You say, but your voice is drowned out by laughter. Giuliana has just finished telling a story and Yara and Marie are laughing loudly, as well as who you can only assume is V. Her laugh is soft and melodic and her mic is very high quality.
"Um, hi V I'm Cassandra, but everyone calls me Cass." You say quickly.
"Hi Cass." V says. "You should call me Lula if we are going by our real names here." Her voice is buttery, feminine but deeper than most. You had never been interested in ASMR or whatever, but you suddenly feel like you could listen to this woman for a long time. Everyone realises that they have stopped talking.
"Soooo, game?" Giuli chirps, ever the one to avoid sullen silences. You all tease Giuli and load up, hopping into the latest hero shooter which you have all been spamming. You enjoy playing with your friends almost exclusively, but you have to admit to yourself they are pretty bad. Apart from you, they tend to struggle severely in most games. But you all still have fun, and tend to dick around more than try to win. Today is different. Lula is good, really good. She doesn't say much, only makes callouts intermittently, but she hits her shots with laser like accuracy. She's fast too, whipping around at the smallest hint of sound to click on the offenders head. You can't help but continually hover on the tab key, watching with something like jealousy as the kda between you and Lula grows and grows. You become very quiet, focusing hard on the game. Your friends whoop and yell as they usually do, having a great time being carried. The game comes to an end, an easy victory, and you slam back into your chair as the final score card pops up. Not a single ****. How was that even possible? Your chuckle head friends were entirely incapable of covering their own backs, let alone the hyper aggressive Lula. She laughs as Giuli pops off:
"Wow Lula! You're incredible!" She lists off a series of compliments as Lula continues to laugh.
"Yeah, I get by." She says finally. "I can teach you, y'know?" Giuli shouts at that.
"Yes! That would be amazing! We could play ranked Cass!"
"Er, yeah sure, we could. But I'm sure Lula is way too high ranked for us." You respond, your throat dry from not talking.
"Oh not at all, I just started playing." She says, infuriatingly. They continue to natter about future plans as you slump further in your chair. She seems nice, you think to yourself. No need so be such a grinch. You sigh, and suggest that you should play another.

You and your friends spend the Saturday gaming, as you often do, quickly warming up to Lula. She is quiet, but witty, and you detect a streak of dark humour. As the light starts to leak out of the day, you all stop and start thinking about dinner and other such mundanities. As you are all talking about signing off, Lula says:
"Oh, before you all go, Yara and I are meeting for drinks tonight, does anyone want to come?"
"Oh. Yeah we are. Um sure, yeah, anyone keen?" Her voice is surprised and slightly dejected. Oops, not all that smooth after all Lula, you think with a slight smile. Marie and Giuli pick up on this however, and make their excuses. You are about to follow suit when you pause to think;

What do you do?

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