My Life as a

Obey or fight

Chapter 1 by WholesomeLewd WholesomeLewd

My name is Anna and I currently find myself inside of a cell. I sat leaning against the cold stone walls of the prison cell. The air was cool and my skin was covered in goosebumps. Mascara that just earlier that evening was applied perfectly now streaked down my cheeks.

I replayed the events that led to my incarceration again and again. It was just another normal night. I had downloaded Tinder mostly as a joke and got pretty much what you would expect. Lots of one liners, dick pics, and begging for nudes in return.

There was one guy though. He was funny and made me laugh and genuinely showed an interest in me. I agreed to meet and honestly had a wonderful time. He treated me to ice cream and we walked around the park. As the sun set I drove us to a secret lookout location he showed me. Technically we were not supposed to be there but, I still appreciated it.

Or lips met in a tender embrace and I was honestly considering going further even though it was our first date. It was here everything went sideways. Blue and red flashing lights appeared in the rear view mirror and within seconds my date bolted out of the car and into the woods just as the cop car pulled around the corner.

I was stunned and at a loss for words as the light of flashlights filled the car. A burly looking cop peered through the window and motioned for me to roll down the window.

"You are not supposed to be here!" The cop huffed blinding me with his flashlight. His eyes roamed my body. Everything happened so quickly I didn't have time to make myself proper. My shirt was hanging off my one shoulder along with my bra strap exposing more of my chest then I intended.

"You turning tricks up here?' The office said with a raised eyebrow.

"No officer! I was here with my date but he left" I explain my voice quivering both from the cold and sheer panic. The cop pointed his flashlight around the car when something caught his attention and he placed one hand on his gun. Confused I turned to see a sizeable plastic bag on my passenger seat filled with these black pills with a little pink heart on the side of the capsule.

It was a **** dubbed desire. It had been on the streets for several years. When ingested it creates **** feelings of euphoria and arousal, causes the taker to become very aroused, and eventually causes the user to pass out all together. I slowly pieced together that my date likely intended to slip one of these into the drink I picked up before coming here. Desire was becoming a commonly used tool in the belt of sexual predators, but was also taken recreationally though it is very illegal and strictly enforced my the police.

"Thats not mine my date he was just here!" I say panicked. I know how this looks. The officer looked at me sternly.

"Ma'am I'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle" he says sternly. This can't be happening they don't believe me. I turn again .

"Please you have so believe me" With that my for was suddenly pulled open. A rough hand grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of the car and to my feet. I was dragged to the front of the car and pushed against the hood. The cool metal pressed against my chest as my hands were **** behind my back. Moments later I heard the * click click click click of handcuffs being tightened around my wrists. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I was pulled again to my feet and put in the back of the cop car.

Now you are all caught up. The events that led to my entire life being ruined summed up. I knew I was in trouble. For sure they had me for a **** possession charge but it wasn't uncommon for the sellers of desire to be woman. Give a little sample and show the customer a good time just enough to get them hooked. Chances are they would pin me with an intention to sell charge as well.

My life as I knew it was over or was it.

A mysterious man arrives

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