Mr. Fetish


Chapter 1 by clovenhuf clovenhuf

The nondescript Gentleman squinted through circular framed wire rimmed glasses while attempting to gage the landscape beyond the clouded rear window of his taxi cab as the vehicle continued to navigate the suburban streets outside. Sighing in resignation at his limited vision, he removed a red silk handkerchief from the breast pocket of tailored black pinstripe suit of some bygone era and proceeded to drag the fabric across the steamed glass window surface to better observe the domestic scenery outside.

A slow almost-smile attempted to crack his normally stoic demeanor, a clear indication that he had finally arrived at a suitable destination.

The thin fissure between weathered lips slowly spread into a genuine smile. "Yes, I believe this will do nicely", He spoke to himself as the taxi cruised past seemingly endless rows of white picket fences neatly separating immaculate swaths of manicured lawns all arranged before cookie-cutter three story mansions only distinguishable through the slight variation of exterior paint and the label of 'his and her' luxury vehicles parked in the drive outside.

"This will be fine, My Dear", The Gentleman spoke to his driver from the back seat. He motioned to activate the door handle lever to lower the rapidly fogging window and get some much needed fresh air circulation. The pungent smell of female arousal and steamy sweat laced concoction wafting from the front seat, though not unpleasant, was becoming quite overpowering. "If you would please pull over, I'll take my leave".

"Mmmmmm…", an arousal drenched voice cooed from the front seat accompanied by wet sloshing between exposed red-puffy pussy lips on vinyl seat below. "Aye, Sir…!", The red headed woman husked through clenched teeth lost in a lust-drunk haze. Her thick Irish accent sounded straight from the heart of the Emerald Isle. She moaned lustfully while the feverishly plunging fingers of her right hand continued to stimulating her weeping cunt. With a timid whimper, she reluctantly removed her left hand from tweaking large, aching nipples beneath her disheveled strip of uniform top to activate the turn signal and pull the cab to a stop at the adjacent curb.

The Gentleman again loosed a smile at the sexually harried woman's response. Although his appetite for the more primal of desires had not been sated through the countless ages he had been banished to this loathsome dimension, he always insisted that his 'subjects' be cordial and develop the demeanor and social grace of the more simple time periods he preferred.

At the start of the journey, his currently finger frigging buxom chauffeur was once Albert Townsen; morbidly obese middle aged cab driver with no aspirations in life beyond considering the most inexpensive beer to pair with his take out pizza dinner. After a simple gray-matter massage and cerebral re-wiring, 'Alison's', brain and enhanced anatomy now associated sexual pleasure with work performance. Having successfully delivered her client to the desired destination, the now panting vixen was steadily approaching orgasmic bliss for a job done exceptionally well.

Of course, this newly gifted libido would prove useless if wasted on an overweight layabout with a now veracious sexual appetite, so it was only natural to upgrade the packaging to match the oozing, creamy center.

The Gentleman loosed a faint chuckle while recalling the delightfully timid squeaks and squeals leaking from the rapidly feminizing mountain of flesh stuffed in ill-fitting stained flannel shirt and ripped sweat pants as the abundant layers of cellulite rippled through his body. Arms, legs, and tummy slendered to dainty proportions as the excess flesh slithered to reposition at raising swell of burgeoning chest and twin curvaceous orbs of padded ass beneath wide womanly hips.

Albert's angular facial features softened as scar pocked face smoothed to develop a healthy pink hue that slowly spread over his entire body. All hair below his vibrant red tresses immediately disintegrated in a quiet 'poof' as the lashes framing now spirited green eyes elongated and darkened beneath well-plucked eye brows. A light pink dusting decorated fine sculpted cheeks flanking plump succulent red-painted lips just begging to engulf a nice hard cock.

As Albert's body continued to adapt to properly reflect his new life perspective, his clothing similarly followed suit.

The red and white plaid table cloth once draping his torso seemed to impossibly split and reconfigure into separate garments, each slinking over the growing valley and crevices of now well endowed female frame. Strips of fabric crawled up and over the cascading expanse of luxurious red-gold mane falling to rest at the small of his-now-her back to position one at the exposed flesh of elegantly arched neck into a shiny white shirt collar adorned with miniature black and yellow checkered leather tie. The other continued to ascend above to position at the crown of crimson locks and expand into a matching miniature black silk top hat set at a jaunty angle slightly askew above right ear.

The largest of the former plaid tent split yet again with one portion darkening and loosing it's patterning, then shrinking into a form fitting vest attempting to cradle the valley of cleavage nestled between mammoth chest. The material again shifted from coarse cotton to sleek satin with thin vertical pinstripes and large ornate yellow buttons forming then fastening the newly minted garment from exposed navel to heaving chest.

The smaller of the garments split again into two slender strips to snake up over supple exposed shoulders and down back as suspender straps, then snapping taught over perky nipples topping swollen tit flesh. The suspender material shifted to glossy leather with black and yellow checkering similar to the band at the base of the mini-top hat and uniform tie above and the horizontal strip across the doors on the cab exterior. Heart shaped metal clips sprouted at each suspender end to fasten at the low waist of the now mid-thigh length leather pleated skirt matching the brilliant yellow cab exterior.

The ineffectual strip of leather served more to showcase perfectly sculpted leg flesh capped in heels matching cab and skirt rather than to provide any modesty above heavily leaking sex.

Hole infested socks lightened to the color of slightly transparent dusky smoke as the rough material re-knit to take on the shiny texture of nylon and creep up to wrap around mid-thigh.

Given Albert, now Alison's new programming, undergarments would not be required.

'Thank'ya fer'tha PLEASURE of servin' ya' Sir..!", Alison hissed through clenched teeth. And for the first time, actually meant it.

Quite literally.

Oh, yes, splendid…. My Dear", The Gentleman stuttered in response. He had been lost in the memory of their meeting and hadn't realized the cab had stopped. "And what is the fare for my portage?", he asked with a pleasant smile. he leaned forward in attempt to gage the fare meter which was currently obscured by flailing limbs roughly groping melon tits and rhythmically stroking bald pussy. He noticed Alison had propped her right 5" pointed toe slingback heel on the dashboard next to the fare counter to sit slouch backed in the seat so as to provide better access to slick, needy mound.

"Oh Gawd…!", Alison panted through gulping breaths. Eyes attempting to focus, she loosed a delightful whimper while reluctantly pulling right hand from slobbering cunt. Lips curling to frame the exaggerated 'O' of her eager mouth, she brought the yellow painted nails of arousal drenched fingers to just below elegantly arched nose for a languid inhale of her own musky scent. Long tendrils of dripping arousal linked her coated digits to spasming pussy below.

"Jes'a momen'….if ya' please…", Alison whined while tracing cum lathered thumb over pillowy lips, "While ah' calculate yer' fare…..Sir…!", she squealed, emphasizing the statement with a quick flick of pretty pink tongue to sample her sex.

"One fer' Orchard Terrace…", She announced, punctuated by a wet slurp as ravenous lips engulfed the cum-laced treat of her right thumb. A brief shutter wracked her body eliciting a fine dusting of gooseflesh over flush neck and hose clad legs as the cleansed digit audibly popped from warm wet mouth.

"Two…", She husked, sensually sliding index finger across quivering lower lip, "Fer' Flat Point Road…", Alison continued, then similarly swallowed the teasing finger for a fervent tongue bath. "Mmmmmmmm…"She sighed longingly, taking her time to suck lewdly on the digit.

With breaths now a series of rapid gulps, her hips bucked obscenely in search of SOMETHING to penetrate pouting pussy lips and feed her aching womanhood.

"THREE…!", she cried, severely arching her back as middle finger fitfully plunged through clenched lips. "Fer' Higwaw Awawoo…..!", Alison attempted to speak around pistoning finger. Her body writhed uncontrollably on the vinyl car seat; red-gold hair flailing wildly as right handed middle finger continued to plummet through starving lips above and left hand mauled throbbing sex below.

"An' Fo!…Oh!…..OHHH!…OAR..!", Alison howled in orgasmic bliss as brilliant green eyes turned white to roll into the sockets of her skull. Her body spasmed in ecstasy, thrashing violently around invading cum soaked ring finger and prompting a flood of arousal to forcefully spray from gaping twat to paint steering wheel, dashboard, and front windshield with her womanly nectar. Her remaining strength rapidly fleeting, she slumped slightly forward and collapsed to her side to sprawl sidelong upon the front seat cushion.

"Fer' dwoppin' ya's 'ere….Sir…..", Alison spoke weakly around spittle soaked lips and ring finger. "Thasss four orgassmsss….", she slurred through blissful smile. Taking a deep breath for much needed oxygen to regain her strength, she moved to position on substantial D-cup tits. She then gathered her knees below to her chest, serving to raise pretty pleated yellow leather skirted bum to hover enticingly behind otherwise prone body.

"Ah' b'leeve that'll be…", he heard her sultry voice from the front, slightly muffled from lips pressed to car seat. "Four spankinnns, Sssssrrrr…! Alison mewled. She used the last of her energy to flip her darling skirt and expose the two slightly flushed orbs of well padded ass thoroughly lathered with the recent release of her arousal.

"One fer' eaash cuuuuum". She concluded, slowly swaying her exposed derrière in preparation to accept payment for her services.

"Of course, My dear", The Gentleman stated while gathering his belongings of black bowler cap and curved neck walking cane of some indistinguishable material from the back seat and exit the cab. A soft cooing sound from Alison's throat was her only response.

"Compensation due for services rendered.", he formally announced. The Gentleman vigorously rubbed eager hands before reaching the handle to open the drivers side front door. "As agreed upon...", he smirked above Alison's slowly gyrating tush still steadily leaking fluid to stain inner thigh and pool on the car seat below.

"One….", he spoke casually, right hand dropping hard to brandish plump right cheek with large red welt.

Alison's guttural moan echoed along the tree lined boulevard in the early morning light of dawn.

The Gentleman adjusted the position of hat on head and dusted the front of his traveling coat as he watched Alison maneuver the cab down the morning lit boulevard and out of sight. The vehicle seemed to swerve in and out of the driving lanes at first, but it appeared Alison quickly regained her composure enough to righten the cab. He gave one final wave and satisfactory nod, satisfied that Alison was thoroughly prepared and properly equipped to begin her new life.

Taking a deep breath of resolution to get to the business at hand, The Gentleman casually walked to the center of the two lane boulevard flanked by expensive houses to gaze at the rising cityscape beyond.

"Now let's see what we have to work with", He spoke aloud, gracing a smile toward two chirping song birds lounging on a branch in preparation to herald the approaching morning. He abruptly folded his legs beneath him with an agility seemingly impossible for a man of his perceived age and rested the ebony waling cane on his lap. After several minutes of serene concentration, the rod began to glow an unnatural shade of pitch black, drawing faint amount of the surrounding morning sunlight with each steady pulse.

"….screw that BITCH, I'll FUCK whoever the FUCK I want…."

"…..Fuck this place, I QUIT…."

"…..wish that PRICK would leave for work so I can get a GODAMN drink….."

"…..been fucking MIKE?!?…. I'm calling the LAWYER….."

Thousands of similar voices streamed through the filter of his consciousness, serving to support his assumption that this particular area could indeed benefit from his unique services.

The Gentleman's eyes suddenly flicked open, the intensely furrowed brow and frowning lips marring his ageless features a clear indication on the severity of the situation.

"So many individuals **** for purpose…", he sighed while gathering himself off the paved roadway surface. He spun a slow circle in place to critically weigh the almost identical cluster of houses surrounding him.

"Well…", he spoke aloud, slightly tilting his cap with the curved end of his cane. "I'd better get started!" he announced to his two chirping friends.

Having made his selection, The Gentleman briskly walked towards his first act of goodwill

First Stop?

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