Loser becomes A Hero in a New World

Loser becomes A Hero in a New World

Your Family and others are transported in an Isekai

Chapter 1 by yujiro yujiro

I woke up with a start, sunlight streaming through the gaps in my curtains. It felt like I had just closed my eyes a moment ago, but the clock on my nightstand read 1:32 PM. I rubbed my eyes, dragging myself out of bed, and headed downstairs, my stomach growling in protest.

As I reached the kitchen, I was surprised to find Mom and my little sister, Kylie, at the table. The smell of pancakes and bacon filled the air, and my mouth watered involuntarily.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I asked, scratching my head in confusion. "Shouldn't you be at work, Mom? And Kylie, why aren't you at school?"

Mom smiled warmly at me, her kind eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's the weekend, John. We're all home today."

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Mom looks amazing for someone over 40. Her silky smooth white skin has a youthful glow, free from the signs of aging. She's always been an attractive woman and her healthy lifestyle rewarded her with an hourglass figure. She has a full bosom that few bras on earth can barely contain. I've always been mesmerized but the jiggles on the overflow of her breasts. And she has shapely hips that give her a timeless elegance made her perfect for breeding. Today, she's wearing a Japanese kimono as a bathrobe, the intricate patterns and belt at her waist accentuating her figure. Her dense, long brown hair cascades down her back in soft waves, adding to her allure. Even in the simplicity of the morning, she carries an air of grace and sexiness.

I blinked, feeling a bit disoriented. The days were blending together lately, and I struggled to keep track. Dropping out of college had left me in a haze of debt and uncertainty, and I spent most of my time hiding from reality, immersed in video games.

Kylie rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed. "He's losing track of time because he's wasting his life away," she muttered, not quite under her breath.

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My sister, Kylie, at 18, has a striking presence. Her pitch black hair is arranged in playful pigtails, each tied with a blue ribbon that contrasts sharply with her dark locks. She’s wearing a purple crop top that shows off her narrow waist and the ample cleavage she inherited from Mom. The crop top perfectly accentuates her youthful figure. Her jean shorts are snug, showing off her thick thighs and hinting at the lace underwear that rests above her hips, further highlighting her curvy silhouette. Kylie has a confident and slightly rebellious style that matches her vibrant personality, making her stand out effortlessly.

The two women who are closest to me are basically the hottest I've ever seen. It's just **** to be around them for a loser like me who couldn't even dream of talking to a girl like them if they weren't family.

"Hey!" Mom reprimanded her sharply, giving her a stern look before turning her attention back to me. "Don't listen to her, John. Everyone goes through tough times. You'll figure it out."

She came over and rubbed my shoulders affectionately, guiding me to sit down at the table with them. "Come on, have some breakfast. It'll make you feel better."

I sank into the chair, feeling a mix of guilt and gratitude. Mom always knew how to comfort me, even when I felt like a complete mess. Kylie was right, though. I had to get my act together, but for now, I let myself enjoy the warmth of the pancakes and the love in Mom's touch.

"So, what are you guys doing today?" I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from myself.

"We were thinking of watching a movie later," Mom said, her smile never fading. "Why don't you join us?"

"Yeah, come on, John!" Kylie chimed in, her earlier harshness softened. "It'll be fun."

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Sure, why not?" I said, managing a small smile. For now, I could let myself be part of their world, even if it was just for a little while.

The cinema lobby buzzed with activity, the smell of popcorn wafting through the air. Kylie was still wearing her purple crop top and jean shorts, looking as stylish as ever. Mom had changed into a breezy summer dress that flowed around her figure, her high heels clicking softly against the tiled floor lifted her calves to naturally arch her back and tease me with her mesmerizing ass. A black purse hung from her shoulder, completing her chic look.

"Here, John," Mom said, handing me some money. "Go get us some snacks and soda."

Before I could thank her, Kylie chimed in, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "You know, at his age, he should have the money to buy snacks himself."

"That's enough, Kylie," Mom cut her off sharply, but Kylie wasn't backing down.

"I'm just saying," she continued, her eyes narrowing. "It's pathetic."

I felt a surge of anger and hurt. "Why are you so mean to me? You used to look up to me."

Kylie crossed her arms, pushing her breasts together, her expression hardening. "I can't bear to see you like this, a pathetic version of yourself. You spend your day sleeping, playing videogames or jerking off and now you're so down bad you even perv over your own mom and sister."

The words hit me like a punch to the gut, and I could feel the sting of tears in my eyes. Mom stepped in, her voice firm but gentle. "Enough, both of you. Kylie, your brother needs support right now, not criticism. Don't embarass him in public like that, we'll talk more at home. For now let's just enjoy the movie."

She didn't deny she knew I was looking at them in a weird way. The fact she's not even adressing it is even more embarassing.

Kylie muttered under her breath, "I just want him to be himself again."

I turned away, clutching the money tightly, and headed towards the snack counter. As I approached, I spotted two familiar faces working behind the counter. It was a shock to see my old high school friends here.

The guy behind the counter was Sam, a tall and lanky dude with shaggy brown hair and a perpetual grin on his face. He'd been my best friend through most of high school, always up for an adventure or a laugh. We used to spend hours playing video games and talking about our plans for the future, back when the world felt full of possibilities.

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Next to him was Jasmine, a very attractive black girl with black and blonde braids cascading down her back. Her plump lips were painted a soft pink, and her large behind was accentuated by the fitted jeans she wore. Jasmine had been one of the most popular girls in school, not just for her looks but for her charismatic and friendly nature. We'd shared a few classes and had been part of the same social circle, yet never very close. I was always intimidated by her.

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Seeing them both brought back a flood of memories, some bittersweet.

"Hey, John! Long time no see," Sam called out, his face lighting up with a grin. "How've you been, man?"

"It's been a while," I replied, trying to muster some enthusiasm despite the weight of Kylie's words still heavy on my mind. "I'm hanging in there. How about you guys?"

"Pretty good," Jasmine said, her voice cheerful as she started preparing my order. "Just working here part-time and saving up for college. What about you?"

"Yeah, same old, same old," I said, forcing a smile. "Can I get three sodas and a large popcorn?"

"Coming right up," Jasmine replied, her fingers deftly working the soda machine.

As I waited, I couldn't shake off the sting of Kylie's words. Seeing my old friends here made me feel even more out of place. I just hoped the movie would be a good distraction from the turmoil brewing inside me.

Just as Jasmine handed me the sodas and popcorn, a sudden tremor shook the cinema. The lights flickered, and a low hum filled the air. Everyone froze, looking around in confusion and fear.

I turned to Mom and Kylie, their faces mirroring my dread. The hum grew louder, and a blinding light erupted from the ceiling. It felt like reality itself was being torn apart.

"Mom! Kylie!" I shouted.

The light intensified, enveloping everything. I could see people frozen in place, their expressions a mix of awe and horror. Then the light struck us, filling me with an intense, electric sensation. I felt weightless, floating in an endless void.

The world had vanished, replaced by infinite light.

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