Fall And Rise

Fall And Rise

Medieval Fantasy Adventure

Chapter 1

For the last sixty years the continent of Ethosis lived in peace then something changed. The friendships that held all the kingdoms together began to evaporate due to small incidences. Over the next five years, every kingdom went from peaceful to defensive or aggressive. The kingdom of Reness, your home, chose to enter defensive stance against the other kingdoms. They tried to keep relations with the kingdom Falcone. While not allies they agreed not to war with each other.

Despite this agreement Alto, the strongest of the five kingdoms, invaded and easily broke through Reness's defenses. Quickly their army took on city after the other until they surrounded the capital. You found yourself in the final defense **** as the city's gates were slowly being broken. The general lead your **** valiantly but it was over before it started. In the end, you and your close friend Kent fled from the lost battle into the nearby woods. You knew that your best chance was to flee your land and reach Falcone before Alto soldiers find and finish you off.

After three days of running and sleeping in the woods, you two were found by a young woman with a bow strapped to her back. She looked at the two of you oddly confused as to why two soldiers would be hiding in the forest, what is the first thing she notices about you?

(Hey all, if you do like this story and if you like me as a writer then please take a look at my patreon and maybe if your feeling generous donate to me. The more donations the more writing I can do, meaning you get more of these awesome stories! https://www.patreon.com/JohnLocke4 )

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