Escape From Gideon IV

Escape From Gideon IV

In hostile territory, can you lead your troops to safety? Or does slavery await you?

Chapter 1 by leroy leroy

(This CHOYA is an adapatation of a quest I ran on another site that was an adaptation of my other CHOYA. Enjoy!)


A perfect opportunity. That's what the General had called it after telling you about the mission. A way to make a name for yourself. The military always had places for those willing to do what needed to be done. Especially when that involved taking a newly formed platoon and deep striking behind enemy lines. She promised that you'd be rewarded by leading the spearhead and getting the first shot at slaves and plunder. It had sounded wonderful.

Except it was all a lie. Your true role was bait. Meant to distract the enemy while the General led the first wave elsewhere and secured the glory and riches for herself. Leaving you and your soldiers to be enslaved and impregnated while they went off to glory. It would have been a perfect plan. If that idiot hadn't given an interview beforehand detailing their exact strategy. While true that it wasn't supposed to get posted until after the attack, an issue with galactic time zones had resulted in it being posted an hour before the drop.

Now that General and part of her first wave were somewhere with new collars around their necks. Their wombs getting filled with a generation of colonists for Gideon IV. If your pilot hadn't had a friend in intelligence yell in her ear to swap the landing zone you'd be in the same situation.

Not that where you were now was much better. An attack couldn't be stopped after it had begun. So now the invasion **** was scattered all across the surface of the continent with orders to evac at one of the designated points. The nearest such point to you was 2414 kilometers away or 1500 miles in the old imperial system.

Your unit was currently safe in a small forest but you would have to get moving if you wanted to get off this rock with your body still belonging to you. Taking a look at your chest you couldn't help but feel a bit betrayed by the symbol that lay there. The symbol of...

What is your symbol?

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