Celebrity Stud Farm

Celebrity Stud Farm

Famious Men Selling their Seed

Chapter 1 by RobbieBoy80 RobbieBoy80


I cannot believe this is happening, that I am actually here. When I first heard about this place, I didn't think it was real, they just call themselves the "Buena Vista Club" and meet as this... kind of shabby hotel turned resort. They were just a rumor, floating around various fetish forums I was on. Then I got that pop up message... saying they saw my interests... asked what type of men I was into, even oddly enough the top celebrities I would like to sleep with. Then nothing... until a week ago when I got letter in the mail.

"Hello, and welcome to the Buena Vista Club! You've been selected on various criteria from your attractiveness to your tastes and fetishes. While some woman are expected to pay for this experience, you were selected, free of charge, to be impregnated by a celebrity of your choosing. Please arrive at this time, at this date at the Buena Vista Resort, Imperial, California."

I thought it was fake, but then there were all these pages of Non-Disclosure Agreements, Waivers of Parental rights forms, Refusal of Child Support... why all this if it was a joke. I've always had a fetish for Anonymous sex and risky pregnancies... it didn't even say who it was, just one of my "crushes."

At the resort, more signed releases and forms and I'm sitting on this bed, the room probably bigger then my cramp LA apartment, chilled Champaign and large white box waiting on the bed. "Please... put it on." Said the effeminate bell hop before turning to leave. "Soon as your properly dressed, he'll be right in."

So What's in the Box?

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