Aqua City One

Aqua City One

A city that floats on the surface of the water. What adventures mis or otherwise will its citizens get into?

Chapter 1 by The Other Guy The Other Guy

Aqua City One. Humanities first great archology built during the 2020s and finished in the 22nd century. From the sky it appeared to be a giant flower with six lily pads around it. Built in the Australian desert after it was flooded to combat the rising sea levels. It rapidly became a mecca for scientific advancement leading the world in all fields. As it grew in both political and scientific power the politicians who controlled it sought independence and after a show of ****, they received it.

Now independent, factions began to gain power within. Four families eventually rose to the top. Each family dedicated to science their inventions made them incredibly rich. However, they grew tired of having to listen to their leaders, who knew nothing of their work, and with popular support they took power. Now the city lives in a utopian state.

The four families are, Lux, experts in bioengineering, Felstat, leaders in engineering, Dazen, experts in weapons tech, and Luro, dedicated to the advancement of human space colonization. The system of governance they decided on was that each family would rule for one hundred years, all resources would be spent on that family’s advancements and the other families would work for them. The money the families made while in power was enough that once a new family took over the replaced one could live off the money made for a very long time.

With the city now truly dedicated to science the families churned out technology and knowledge on an unheard-of scale. With science at the forefront many inhibitions brought on by religion vanished. Sex became common place; with advancements by the Lux **** become a method family bonding; parts of the city were even declared free use. All you had to do was take an arm band that tells everyone what you want and are willing to do.

With the city now having sex with abandon, diseases became a problem worth fixing, and so house Lux spent an entire one hundred years working on all the problems sex brings. By the end they had cured all diseases, guaranteeing no unwanted pregnancy and created treatments that renders refractory periods almost non-existent.

The Lux have just finished their rule and the Felstat were now taking over. Free to spend their wealth the members of Lux were grateful for the ancestor’s forethought.

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