An Unknown Entity

An Unknown Entity

Sow chaos, manipulates other, control the world

Chapter 1 by blackjacktriplex blackjacktriplex

Introduction :

The war between the demons and mankind continues to ravage the realm for thousand of years, the demons control 30% of the realm while the Alliance controls the rest. However, this doesn't mean that the alliance is winning the war. The demons come from another realm, Oblivion. The Oblivion is ruled by the demon king, while the earth realm is protected by the Divines. The demon king, unable to enter the realm, lends its power to his chosen. The same goes for the divines, they lend their power to their chosen. And so the champions were born, and both sides unleashed their gifted might. The deceased champion that falls gets replaced, and the cycle repeats.

Fortunately, or unfortunately the war comes to an end ever since a major catastrophe that ravages both sides that causes major disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and magic disturbance in the realm. A decade has passed and the effect still can be felt and the war between both sides is stopped. While demonic forces sometimes do raiding, compared to the times of war it's minor in comparison. Currently, the Alliance tried to rebuild what was lost, strengthens their grips in their controlled realm, and re-communicate with their divines because for some unknown reason they lost their access to divine magic and communication with them while the Invaders tried to prolong the status quo ever since their portal is unable to be activated to this day, making the demon king unable to resupply their forces. Both sides of the champion can’t unleash divine magic that is bestowed to them. However, they remain a powerhouse for both sides. Unbeknownst to them, a major **** that soon will shape the realm has awakened. And it needs a host to be able to walk the realm. A being that so powerful that if remain unchecked, it’ll control both realm and to be it’s playground

Guides :

For the next scenario or choices, there’s a state or condition of the entity that you may choose if you want to write your own story. However, this entity's main power is controlling its host and victims mind. While it’s magic, it’s alien in nature and its soul can’t be detected and its power doesn’t leave any magic footprints, making it hard for victims and others to detect. A spell or artifacts that resists or repels a mental type of magic can help but it’s not immune to the entity's power, and a willpower doesn’t help either. The entity also slowly transforms the host's physical appearance to be more charismatic, and physically fits to a degree without changing much aspect to their appearances while also making the host more smarter, and expands their energy or mana pool. The only downside is that the host will feel more and more pleasure on sinning, mainly engaging in sex, inflicting pains to others, deceiving others, and etc. And that they had to keep doing it to keep the power. Only the divines including demon king can sense the entity, and since they cannot walk in the mortal realm they’ll have to rely on a mortal and both of them can only see through their champion and head priest eyes. Moreover, since the catastrophe both the divines and demon king can’t communicate with their people, making this entity roam free for the time being until the disturbances are solved. The time until they’re solved or how they do it is up to you. Once the host is killed, it’s a game over since the entity can’t exit its host soul and they need a host (However, there’s a way to survive this).

The entity's objective is to have fun first, then survives from both demon king and the divines until it regains most of its power. How the power work is up to you, you can use mine or others as a reference. The world building and magic system (if you have any) is also up to you aside from what i write here, you can even use RPG or Tabletop system if you find it easier. A completely awakened entity makes its power nullifies any resistance to mental magic one can have, a complete mind altering power even to the soul that even demon kings and divines are not immune to it. However, the entity must be near its victims or can see them directly to use its power. The host doesn’t need to be a human, it can be any race, species, even a monster. The entity can pick sides, however it remains evil and manipulative. The entity is tricky, cruel, manipulative and dreadful. It enjoys bringing pain to others physically (keep in mind about the site rule) and especially mentally.

  • Dormant

The entity only possesses its host and grants them its power, it doesn’t interact nor control its host. The host must discover the entity power themselves and use it as they see fit. The host may or may not be struggling to control the power. The host may or may not know they’re possessed. The host may or may not be aware they’re manipulating others. The host may or may not gain other benefits beside the mind control power. The entity, while not awake, may or may not influence its host mind to some degree but never a lot.

  • Contract

The entity possesses its host and interacts with them. The entity may or may not ask its host for something in return. However, the entity will try to corrupt its host to do his bidding and the more the host does it the more the entity opens up its power to the host. If the host is already depraved, evil, or insane, the entity will support its host to do more and actively try to manipulate their goal to align with the entity. The entity may or may not use its own power to control the host mind.

  • Possession

The entity is awake and fully controls its host, and since the entity is cruel, violent, and manipulative in its nature he’ll just have some fun with its own power until it regains most of its power while trying to complete its objective. The entity can switch between the host and itself, and the entity can manipulate the host mind. The entity may or may not forget it's goal and/or memories.

  • Chaos

Same with possession, but this time the entity regains its full power immediately.

The day of awakening

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