A Lesser Demon

A low-level demon tries to earn a promotion

Chapter 1 by idahoboy idahoboy

Hello, my name is ... well I don't have name. Lesser demons don't get names. We are just expected to roam the Earth, using our very limited powers until we make an impression on the big man downstairs.

What do we do? Well the same thing as the big, famous demons. We each have our assigned field: greed, anger, envy, lust ... I was lucky enough to get a lust specialty in perversion. My job is the same as the powerful succubi and incubi: turn people toward a life of sexual perversion. I'm getting quite good at it, and I hope to be promoted soon. Then I'll have much greater power and even be assigned a gender. Oh yeah, since lesser demons can't materialize on the Earthly plane, we don't even have genders. But maybe one day, I'll get one.

So if I can't even materialize, how do I corrupt people? I have a few abilities, that with practice, can be affective. I can push emotions onto people, the more corrupted they are, the stronger they'll feel it. Once they are near full-perversion, I can implant direct suggestions. I can also **** my subject to recall any memory. I can manipulate digital signals to the point of making a computer do anything I want. (This has revolutionized my game in recent years, to the point where I believe it will earn me that promotion.) And I can also enter and control my subjects' dreams.

My task now, is the same as before: pick a subject, or group of subjects, who is relatively innocent and pure, and turn them down the path to complete perversion.

The only question is, whom should I choose?

Who should be the first subject?

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