A Bully in Frillies

A Bully in Frillies

A bully loses his memory on the last day of school and is “reminded” he’s a sissy

Chapter 1 by Cdslavejessie Cdslavejessie

Hey yall!!!! So I know I already have two stories going but I decided to add a third to the mix!! This is a commissioned story for Giratuno, who has a love for frilly sissies in ultra girly girl wear, sausage curls, and being totally and permanently emasculated! A bully who bonks their head and loses their memory? Hopefully the bully’s girl victim is nice and makes sure he remembers he was always a girly sissy bimbo! Oh wait, that doesn’t sound right!

Watch Ashley Brooks go from tough guy bully on the second to last day of high school to ultra feminine girly girl sissy over the summer! Will he end up permanently physically and socially transformed? Or will he wake up and be able to stop it in time?

Hope you guys enjoy, and please feel free to message me! This is my first commissioned story so be nice please! :)



Ashley Brooks is an angry young 18 year old man. Angry at his family life. Sure, his family had a ton of money from his dad’s hedge fund. But his dad hardly had time for him. And when he did, he was always telling him how he needs to man up. Easy for him to say at 6’2” and 200 lbs, still fit and strong as his college football days. But Ashley got his mom’s genes, a former beauty pageant queen and college cheerleader. 5’3” and 120 lbs isn’t exactly the epitome of a man, especially with his shoulder length dirty blonde hair. His small dick, only 4 inches when hard and very tiny when soft, definitely didn’t boost his ego either. And the name Ashley?? Sure, it was a family name, but a short skinny white boy named Ashley with a round feminine face doesn’t help him “man up”

Angry at the school for throwing him in detention for his pranks, although many of them were cruel. He was just trying to get a laugh, they were just sensitive. Pantsing Tim Moore and pushing him into the girls locker room was hilarious, hearing all the girls scream and Tim apologizing was so funny. No one got hurt what’s the big deal? Or when he put a laxative in Mr Davis’s coffee? He was in the bathroom for hours! But no lasting harm.

He might’ve went a little far with Allie though. Paige Bowers was Ashley’s first crush. 18 year old Paige wasn’t the stereotypical pretty girl in school, but she was by no means ugly, she just didn’t have the stereotypical girly girl look that the hot girls in class had. She didn’t wear mini skirts and heels to class, bleached blonde hair and push up bras. She was more of a nerdy girl next door type. She was very cute, hot in her own way. At 5’ 6”, a few inches taller than Ashley, and 130 lbs, she was curvy in all the right places. Her wide hips and plump butt and toned legs from running track and field, the one non nerdy thing she did but she wasn’t a star athlete. Her generous D cups probably didn’t help with her running but you can’t stop genetics, as Ashley knew all too well. But her most stunning feature was her natural red hair. Silky smooth coming down in gentle curls, it paired nicely with her pale skin and the freckles on her face.

While Paige didn’t wear the super trendy slutty outfits of her classmates, she still dressed very hot at school. Sundresses and skirts were normal, but a graphic tee from the anime she was watching might be worn with it. Cut off jean shorts in the summer with a crop top she made from an old Halo tank top. She wasn’t afraid to wear make up, just didn’t go as over the top with it as her classmates. Mascara plumped lashes, cat eye liner, some light blush on her cheeks, and various lipsticks and glosses were her typical look.

Ashley thought Paige was perfect. A beautiful girl who liked nerdy stuff like he did?? And one who didn’t fit in with the other girls in his class who didn’t give him the time of day. She was nice and cordial with him so Ashley thought he had a shot. But when he walked up to her in the hallway one day, trying to put a little swagger in his walk but just came off looking like an idiot, and asked her out, he was heartbroken when she told him no. She said she viewed him more as a friend than anything and he wasn’t totally her type. Ashley was humiliated as the kids nearby didn’t hide their laughter seeing him get turned down. And since then, she was enemy number one.

Ashley did a ton of pranks and mean things to poor Paige. Throwing paper at her in class. Laughing at her and getting his classmates to do the same when he would over hear her talking about league of legends or her dungeons and dragons campaign. Gluing her locker shut one time. Destroying her physics project before she had time to present. And so many others.

But the worst was Ashley getting a hold of a sexy picture she took for a boy in class. Black lacy balconnette bra with a matching black thong as she made a kiss face as she bent over, showing off her large cleavage to the camera. Ashley printed them out with the word “SLUT” written on it and put them all over school. Paige was mortified seeing her picture all over school. Her and the school administration couldn’t prove who did it, but Paige knew from one look at Ashley’s smug face that it was him.

Paige was so hurt by all these mean pranks, being bullied by someone she initially thought was a friend, and she wanted to get **** but she couldn’t come up with something good enough. So she just suffered through it all. Senior year was coming to an end and it would be over soon.

It was the second to last day of school and Ashley was on top of the world. High school was ending and he’d be going to a great private university in the fall, courtesy of his Dad’s generous donation to the school. He’d finally be an adult and live his life. More importantly, he’d have a much larger pool of girls to finally hook up with.

He walked out the double doors of the school into the June sunshine. He wore a plain blue t shirt that cost at least $100, khaki shorts with boat shoes. The June warmth was too hot for his hair down so he pulled it into a “man bun” but with his feminine features looked more like a messy bun.

While he normally drove his black Audi to school, he had decided the last week to enjoy the sunshine and walk the couple miles or so to his house. The crowd of other high schoolers walked along with him, gradually thinning out as they went their separate ways. With no real close friends with him, Ashley had his headphones on, listening to his guilty pleasure music of girly pop. He never shared that with anyone, trying to maintain his tough guy image, but he did love the likes of olivia Rodrigo and Taylor swift and Sabrina carpenter.

Bopping around to Taylor, he took a short cut through the woods. He’d taken the short cut hundreds of times so he didn’t even think about it. But a recent rainstorm had eroded at the dirt path, so Ashley didn’t see the exposed root in his path. His foot hit the root and he started to fall forward. The last thing he saw was the dirt path before everything went black.

Paige walked down the same wood path, humming a little tune to herself. The warm weather called for a lighter outfit, wearing a white seamless thong bodysuit with a red and black pleated skirt, falling a few inches above the knee. Her white Nikes on her feet made the outfit cute and casual. Her long red hair was in a high pony tail with a black bow at the base of the pony tail. Her black cat eye liner and mascara covered eyes were all the eye make up she wore, covered by thick glasses. Her crimson red lips added a touch of sexiness to her outfit, but it was the last days of school so why not? The last few weeks since her lingerie photo was spread across the school was rough, but the end was in sight.

Coming around the corner, her happy tune abruptly halted as she saw Ashley laid out of the trail in front of her. Rushing over, she rolled him over. Still breathing but knocked out cold, she saw a bump in his hair where he must have hit his head on a tree root. She might hate Ashley, but she wasn’t going to leave him out here knocked out cold!

“Ashley! Ashley wake up! ASHLEY!” Paige lightly shook the small man until finally his eyes fluttered open. Staring down at him was a beautiful red head with a worried look on her face.

“Wow you’re beautiful! What’s you name?” Ashley asked, a little slow and dumbly.

Paige sighed in relief hearing him speak but wasn’t having his nonsense at the moment. “Oh stop it Ashley. Don’t play this game, you had me worried sick! Does your head hurt?”

“Ashley… Ashley…. My name is Ashley? That’s a pretty name. Ummm *groan* yeah it does hurt. What happened?”

“Yes, your name is Ashley. Man you must have hit your head hard. Here let me help you up. I’ll take you to my place to relax.”

Paige helped Ashley up with a groan and he put his arm around her for support and the two set off down the trail.

“Thank you for helping me, pretty lady. What’s your name?”

Paige was worried, he must have a bad concussion. “It’s uh, Paige. Um, what’s your name?” She asked trying to test him.

“My name is Ashley. Such a pretty name. Not as pretty as you are though *giggle*”

Paige couldn’t help but laugh at Ashley calling himself pretty. The macho jerk would never be caught dead saying that, although he does have pretty feminine features.

“You’re pretty too, Ashley *giggle* such a pretty GIRL” Paige mocked him, trying to lighten the brevity of the situation with a joke.

“I’m a pretty- girl? Yeah I am a pretty girl. Thank you” Ashley said with a smile.

Paige looked at his smiling face, seeing his large lips for a guy, his long lashes, round feminine face, apple cheeked face, and dirty blonde hair, she had to admit he is a pretty boy. It wouldn’t take much for him to actually be a pretty girl….

A devious smile spread across her face as a plan started to form in her mind. She hurried her pace, bringing the brain addled boy along with her. She had a plan to get back at her bully….

Paige and Ashley arrive at Paige’s house.

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