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Chapter 3 by TeratonArm TeratonArm

How does Nabooru wind up naked?

Trying to get into the Spirit Temple (Past)

It had taken a while to get there, but Nabooru grinned and let out a sigh of relief as she stepped through the doors of the Desert Colossus. Leaving Gerudo Village without alerting Ganondorf? Easy, for a master thief like her. Traversing an endlessly looping desert? Annoying, and her outfit of a bra and baggy pants wasn't much help against the harsh, stinging sandstorm, but she got through it easily enough. Then it was just a quick dash to the massive stone idol, the Desert Colossus, revered by the Gerudo and home to the Silver Gauntlets. With those Gauntlets, Nabooru would have the strength to put an end to Ganondorf's schemes... probably. She just had to traverse the Spirit Temple inside the massive statue and find them! Easy enough!

Only, as she entered the temple, she realized there was a big problem. Or rather, a small one. A "too-small" problem. One of the paths from the temple's entrance was completely blocked off- and the other was only accessible via a small hole at the foot of the wall. Nabooru's satisfied grin slowly turned upside down, adding more severity to her already angular features. Her tall, athletic frame was proving a disadvantage for once, for even if she could get her bare, toned shoulders through the small crawlspace, her wide hips were less likely to follow, especially given the puffy pink fabric of her pants.

Still, Nabooru pondered, she needed those Gauntlets if she wanted to give Ganondorf a run for his money. She could easily deal with any enemy or trap deeper into the Temple, but was a blasted hole really going to stop her before she even started? The bandit leader paced back and forth, eyeing the hole. She had to risk it- it wasn't as if anyone else was about to come along to help.

Lowering herself onto her stomach, Nabooru peered through the entrance. She could see easily to the other side, but as small as it was, she wasn't going to be able to move using her knees and elbows. No, though it was a short distance, she would need to snake-crawl her way through. Taking a deep breath, she started in, hands and arms outstretched, feeling more than a little claustrophobic as her head went in, then shoulders, then....

Does she make it through? Unscathed?

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