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Chapter 3 by Peewee2024 Peewee2024

What happened?

Tricked into Sleepover

It was a brisk autumn evening as I walked home from school, my mind already fixated on the upcoming weekend. The usual routine of playing video games and eating junk food filled my head like a warm, comforting blanket. But little did I know, fate had other plans for me. As I rounded the corner to my street, I saw a familiar figure standing on my doorstep: Takagi-san, my teasing classmate from school. She had a mischievous glint in her eye that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Hey, Nishimura-kun!" she called out to me, her voice as sweet as honey. "I was wondering if you could do me a favor."

I hesitated, my curiosity getting the better of me. "What kind of favor?" I asked cautiously.

She flashed me a disarming smile. "There's going to be a sleepover at my place tonight, and I was hoping you could come too! You know how much fun we have together, right?" she said, batting her eyelashes at me. "It'll be just like old times."

I hesitated, unsure if this was a trap or not. Takagi-san had a habit of playing tricks on me, and I wasn't sure if this was another one of them. But something about the way she said sounded sincere. "Okay," I said slowly. "I'll go."

As I followed her inside, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous anticipation building up inside me. The house was decorated with balloons and streamers, and I could already hear the giggles and laughter coming from the other rooms. Takagi-san led me into the living room, where four of our other classmates were already gathered: Sasaki, Tanimura, Yoshida, and Saito. They all looked at me with mischievous grins on their faces.

"Ah, Nishimura-kun! So glad you could make it!" Takagi-san said brightly. "Now, why don't you go change into your pajamas? We've got some fun games planned for tonight!"

I nodded hesitantly, still unsure about the situation. I headed upstairs to the bedroom where they'd set up a cot for me. As I started to undress, a thought occurred to me: I had never seen any of these girls without their school uniforms on. A strange sense of curiosity mixed with unease filled me.

I finished changing into my pajamas, a pair of baggy shorts and a tank top, and rejoined the others in the living room. They were all sitting on the floor in a circle, with Takagi-san in the middle. She was holding up a small box, her mischievous grin growing wider by the second.

"Now, Nishimura-kun," she said, "since you're our special guest tonight, we've got a little game planned just for you. It's called 'Strip Nishimura-kun!'"

I gulped nervously, feeling a blush creep up my neck. "W-what does that mean?" I stammered.

Takagi-san giggled, her amethyst eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, it's simple," she explained, her voice taking on a teasing lilt. "We're all going to take turns removing one piece of your clothing at a time. Once we're done, you'll be nice and comfortable in your pajamas!"

Before I could protest, Sasaki, the class president, leaned forward and reached for the hem of my shirt. With a playful grin, she began to pull it over my head. I felt my cheeks flush as the cool air hit my chest, my body tensing up. Tanimura, the class vice president, chuckled softly as she helped remove my shorts, revealing my boxer briefs.

"Wait, hold on!" I sputtered, trying to regain some semblance of control over the situation. "This isn't fair! We're not supposed to do this!"

Takagi-san merely laughed, her amethyst eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, come on, Nishimura-kun," she teased. "It's just a little game. Besides, it's not like we're going to see anything we haven't seen before, right?" She gestured for Saito to continue, who giggled nervously before tugging my boxers down to my ankles.

I felt my face burn with embarrassment as I was left completely naked in front of everyone. The other girls giggled and applauded, their eyes darting between me and each other. "Good job, Saito!" Takagi-san praised. "Now, who should go next?"

Before I could process what was happening, I felt a pair of hands grab my penis and begin to squeeze and twist it. "Ow! Stop that!" I yelped, trying to cover myself with my hands. But it was no use; Takagi-san was much stronger than she looked.

"Oh, Nishimura-kun," she cooed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Don't tell me you're shy about this little guy?" She gave my penis another hard squeeze, making me wince in pain. "I've seen bigger, trust me."

The other girls in the circle laughed, some of them nudging each other and pointing at my exposed genitals. "Look at that pathetic thing," Sasaki muttered under her breath, but loud enough for everyone to hear. "No wonder you're such a loser."

Takagi-san grinned wickedly, still holding my penis in her grip. "Well, Nishimura-kun," she drawled, "look on the bright side. At least you'll have something to remember this night by." With that, she released me, and I scrambled to cover myself with my hands.

"Now play with yourself as I want to see you cum as u got a tiny hard on loser" she laughed.

The other girls in the circle giggled and some of them even clapped, encouraging me to obey Takagi-san's command. I felt my face flush even hotter with humiliation as I realized there was no way out of this. With shaking hands, I began to stroke my penis, trying to focus on anything but the girls' laughter and the feel of their eyes on my body.

"That's it, Nishimura-kun," Takagi-san purred. "Show us what you've got." She leaned back in her chair, watching me intently as I struggled to maintain an erection while also trying to ignore the growing ache in my cheeks from the embarrassment.

The other girls in the circle seemed to sense my growing desperation, and their taunts only grew more cruel. Sasaki, the class president, smirked as she pointed at my throbbing member. "Look at that pathetic thing, trying so hard to get hard." She giggled, her voice laced with mockery. "You're such a loser, Nishimura-kun."

I felt tears well up in my eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment. I couldn't believe this was happening. I couldn't believe I was actually being **** to masturbate in front of all of them. My fingers moved faster, trying to find some release from this humiliating ordeal.

"Oh, look at that, he's really getting into it now," Takagi-san giggled, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I guess even a loser like you can find some pleasure in himself, huh?" The other girls laughed, some of them clapping and cheering me on, their voices mocking and cruel.

Takagi-san strips to her bra and underwear and said "that all you getting to help with your acorn dick loser" she laughed.

The other girls giggled and some of them began to undress as well, revealing their own underwear-clad bodies. They seemed to be enjoying this game more than I could ever imagine. As I continued to stroke myself, I couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of shame and arousal.

I cummed and they all laughed.

The other girls giggled and clapped, their eyes still fixed on my now-limp member. "Not much to write home about, is there, Nishimura-kun?" Sasaki teased, her voice dripping with contempt. "I guess that's what you get for thinking you're so special."

Takagi-san, still wearing only her bra and panties, leaned forward in her chair and prodded my now-limp penis with her finger. "Well, at least you can always try to find solace in your own pathetic little hand," she drawled, gesturing to my now-spent member. "But don't get too used to it, Nishimura-kun. We'll always find new and exciting ways to make you feel like a loser."

What's next?

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