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Chapter 3 by Openmind Openmind

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The Four Need Shelter

Gallifrey was a wasteland, to look at the destruction and endless desert now, you'd be surprised to learn that just two short centuries ago, it was a thriving paradise. A place where the Time Lords kept vigil over the universe, where they watched Time itself, and kept it preserved.

Now, Gallifrey was laid to waste by creatures known as The Daleks. The Time Lords had no idea where they came from, but they had suddenly invaded the planet and quickly brought the entire planet to it's knees, killing most, enslaving the rest. The few who survived and escaped The Dalek's attack, retreated to the deserts and mountains of Gallifrey.

Four such individuals, Theta Sigma, Koschei, Ushas and Mortimus have been wandering the waste together for nearly 140 years, both Theta Sigma and Koschei had been taken prisoner and enslaved during the initial Dalek invasion of Arcadia.

Ushas and Mortimus had both lived in the Citadel, Gallifrey's capital and the final city to fall, and had managed to escape. After surviving for nearly 60 years on their own, they discovered a Dalek prison camp, where the pair were reunited with their old school friends, Koschei and Theta, who were working as minors in the Camp. Mory and Ushas help their old friends escape, along with the other 64 Gallifryans. However both Theta and Ushas had been stuck with a Dalek blast and regenerated soon after into their third forms.

Now, The Four were camping in the middle of what was once The Wild Endeavor, but now, instead of the rolling meadows and grassy plains, there was dirty and rock and sand.

Koschei was stood on the top of a hill, above where they had set camp. His eyes were scanning the horizon.

"Kosh, come down and eat." Theta called out to him, as he sat by the fire that the four of them had constructed.

Ushas was slowly turning a spit with a skinned Broakir on it, her eyes followed Theta's gaze over to where Koschei stood, framed against one of Gallifrey's setting suns.

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The eldest of the Time Lords turned and came down from his hill, resting next to Mortimus as Theta stood to help Ushas remove the Broakir from the spit.

Together they ate in silence, watching as the sky turned to night and the stars began to shine. Their fire had burned itself out, and though it was beginning to grow cold they did not dare lite a new one, for in the day, the light from the fire could not be noticed, but at night... The Dalek's might have been able to see them.

They finished their meal, and Mory grabbed their plates, returning them to her bag.

The Time lords each retrieved four small, palm sized devices and placed them neatly on the ground around the Camp fire. Slowly they all began to grow into what looked like trapdoors laying in the sand. "Good night." Koschei said, opening the door and climbed down a ladder hidden beneath. The others returned his farewell, and mimicked his movements, each climbing down a ladder of their own.

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At the bottom of the the ladder was a small, 8 foot square room. A small bed could be found at the end of it, and a door, which led to the small Eye of Harmony power source for the small room, was placed to the left of the ladder.

These were called TENTS (Trans External Nano Temporal Structure), and were used by Time Lords, before their near annihilation, as small bunks that could be carried around on them using TARDIS Transpactial engineering.

Theta took the few short steps to his bed and collapsed onto it, running his hands through his blonde hair, he closed his eyes gently let himself drift off to sleep.


Theta was standing on the edge of a large room, it was brightly colored, with a short set of stairs just a few feet away. The stairs led up to a slightly raised glass platform, with a large Console in the middle. Theta realized that he was currently standing in the doorway of a TARDIS!

He saw a young man dressed in what he could only describe as the most "uncool" clothes imaginable, a tweed jacket, black pants, white button down and an awful Bow-Tie he would not be caught dead wearing.

The man was running around the TARDIS console, flipping switches, pulling levers, pushing buttons and laughing as he did so.

The TARDIS rocked and shook as he bolted from one side of the circular console to the other.

A redhaired woman in a short skirt watching him lovingly, laughing every time the TARDIS gave a jolt one way or the other.

Theta couldn't help but smile at the sight of these two having fun, it had been so long since he'd known that sort of innocent joy... He missed those days... It reminded him of himself and his Granddaughter, presumed dead these many years.

The Time Lord took a step forwards, wanting to join in the merriment, wanting to leave his life of hiding like a rat behind and join these two strangers on a life of adventure and fun. The world around him began to turn white before his first step even reached the floor, he shook his head. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! I want to stay!" He cried out in anger. "I don't want to go!"


"Theta..." a feminine voice cooed out to him as his head burst off his pillow, he let out a soft sigh of disappointment, not even acknowledging the voice till it spoke up again. "Oh, Theta..." the woman by the ladder repeated, causing Theta to jump and turn his head quickly to see who had made the noise, and saw, to his shock....


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I wonder what she wants...

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