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Chapter 3

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Pterosaurs Attack!

Giant stones surround the field gathering energy to communicate between the fay folks and the gods. Legend of the stones remains unknown, but the energy within are sacred and spiritual to the fay folks. IO the first ruler of the fay that is written is to have discovered the stones when in search of a safe haven for the fairies of his time. Outside of the circle is acres of forest lines protecting them from any invaders and making it hard for their ally’s alike. Within the circle is fields grass where the fairies dance and celebrate all that is important to their lives.

Rose is in the midst of such a celebration as her fellow fay dance and celebrate the evening. Orgy ensues around her as her fellow fairies dance around her communicating to the gods for the harvest and blessing them for children of the fay that have yet been. The giant stones light up with bright glorious colors answering them with knowledge and future gifts.

Night before she was hunting down a large population of vampire bats who seemed unprepared. It was an odd feeling for her to see such creatures unprepared, but it felt right to slay them to prevent spreading the creatures disastrous mayhem among its allies. Balance is always required in the natural world where even the fairies have felt plenty of sorrow over the seasons.

“SCREEEEEAAAAAA!!!” A loud noise above them screams.

Rose turns her head up into the evening sky to see her greatest fear Pterosaur’s in direct sight of their most holiest city. Most of the fay folks around her moved in chaotic order heading for Erthrok. She knew from the stories and experience with these beasts is that you’ll need to fight them head on in order to defeat them. Without any weapon in sight she pulled a small silvery knife from under neath her dress tied to her thigh. At full height she took off climbing upward seeing five of these smooth skinned body and feathery neck and head creatures. Other fairies with training experience had followed her into combat.

Three of the Pterosaur’s shot short lines of fire toward them. Dodging and weaving around a creature that can fly as easily as any bird can has its own obstacles. For the fay folks have the ability to move in any direction mid-flight unlike birds giving them the upper advantage against these creatures.

More screeching but of a different tone comes flying out of the forest around them. Small dark creatures begin flying in and out of Erthrok in larger swarms then last night. A full invasion of Vampires and Pterosaur’s are going after the sacred region of the fay folks.

“Launch!” a familiar female voice screams in the distance that Rose recognizes. Looking she sees an army of fairies coming in from the East striking both enemies with great ****. Rose nods at this rise of arms and begins the fight to eliminate all no matter the case. This would be their last stand in order to protect everything they held sacred the giant stones, Erthrok and the golden roses.

Focusing on her inner energy Rose digs in deep to charge at a swarm of vampire bats coming her way. Shrinking down to praying mantis size to avoid being an easy target she moves around with grace swiping her little knife around in the air striking the bats where they are likely to feel blood gushing out of their bodies.

“For Erthrok!” Words that were chanted throughout the air by the many fay folks. Rose joining in when she could. Pterosaur’s breathed fire directly at the limbs of Erthrok. Beneath in the inner workings of Erthrok fairies who could not fight with weapons fought by controlling the fires that burned the limbs. Several branches fell to the ground in the midst of the battle.

“SQUAWK!” one of the five Pterosaur’s fell to the ground striking one of the giant stones, but not damaging the stone.

A group of Vampire bats flew underneath Erthrok avoiding the outside conflict. Screaming and yelling from within of them invading the inner workings of Erthrok. North Beamtree likely to be in there with his finest soldiers handling the issue.

More darkness swarms the sky as yet another onslaught of vampires come from the west and the south. Fairies and vampires fell Rose knowing the battle would be one of the bloodiest battles they had ever seen in the history of the fay folks.

“Rrrroooooaaaaarrrr!!!” A distant noise from the trees screams. Scaring the vampires and pterosaurs alike. Several swift strikes from fellow fairies takes out two more pterosaurs as they scramble out of the region.

Earth begins to move as if there is an earthquake. Growing louder with each step. Fairies all around quickly form into units to defend Erthrok from this upcoming threat that has terrified vampires and pterosaurs alike.

Trees break apart in front of them as a gigantic walking dinosaur comes into sight. A large lizard like animal named Tyrannosaurus with short arms, thick back legs, tail the size of a giant stone, and a head full of large bloody teeth. This is a pure carnivore that has ended one battle and started a new one. Fairies waited for it to come. Instead of attacking the fay folks though it saw the carcasses of the pterosaurs on the ground deciding to eat them instead. Once it had its fill it walked away without much interest in the little fairies flying in the air.

The sun rises from the east to show the war scene that had occurred. A fifth of all fairies had fallen tonight with equal amounts of vampires, and three pterosaurs that had been eaten. Erthrok had been damaged, but would survive another day. Golden roses continue to shine with spots of vampire blood around. Gods would mourn the loss of the fairies that had fought for the survival of the fay folks. Recoup and heal all wounds for they would need to be prepared for the next surprise onslaught now that the vampires knew of their location.

A call to Aric’s Run was immediately agreed upon with Meadow Beamtree, her diplomatic daughter Rose, and one of North Beamtree finest guards at the meeting. Other guards will join, but none are to attend the meeting that will set in motion the next great war.

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