Doctor Who: Adventures in Sex and Time

Doctor Who: Adventures in Sex and Time

Doctor Who Porn stories

Chapter 1 by Openmind Openmind

I do not own the copywrite of any of the characters featured in these stories. The rights to these character belong to their respective owners. This is simply a product of Fan Fiction, take it as such. I will also feature fake nudes/fan art, I have not made these but I do not know the original artists (unless it's said in the picture itself.) I am not trying to take credit for things I have not made. Please do not ****. **** is a fucked up thing to do. Leave it to erotic stories.

This series of stories will feature characters from the Chibnall era of Doctor Who, however the truly idiotic choice of the "Timeless Child" 'story' (For lack of a better word) will not be considered canon. In short, William Hartnell was the first face and The Doctor is from Gallifrey.

Please let me know which of these stories (as they are added) you guys prefer, and I'll focus attention on those, for now I'll focus on getting as many different stories out, then focus on expanding them.

You are perfectly welcome to add your own plots and stories to this and I highly encourage you to do so.

Either comment here or DM me if you want a specific character/kink/pairing to feature in the story. You can also comment, or DM me, about plots/Character pairs you'd like to read, but don't want to write yourself and I'll get to them as soon as possible.

Which Adventure?

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