The Power of Ion

The Power of Ion

Does absolute power corrupt absolutely?

Chapter 1 by Mister2814 Mister2814

Kyle Rayner is a little down on his luck at the moment. His kind of, sort of, girlfriend, Soranik Natu, the daughter of Sinestro, just tried to kill him. Yes, he did keep a pretty big secret from her that may have involved his participation in the **** of his and her's evil future son, (Fuck you, time travel bullshit), but he didn’t know that initially, which he explained to her. He feels that may have been a bit of an **** response on her part.

But he really should not be all that surprised. It seems like the Powers That Be have decided that this Irish-Mexican hero will never have a long-lasting happy relationship. Most of his girlfriends since becoming a Green Lantern have died, one of which actually cheated on him beforehand. Granted, one of dead girlfriends, Donna Troy a.k.a. Wonder Girl, did come back to life eventually, but still. And then when he's not in a relationship and he's just having a one night stand, the women are always using him for something.

He finds himself taking a stroll at night in the neighborhood in North Hollywood he grew up in. Just wearing his Green Lantern ring and uniform like it's no big deal. He looks up in the sky and sees something big and green fast approaching him. As the object gets closer, Kyle can clearly see that it's in the form of a green whale. That can only mean one thing. It's Ion, the entity that is the embodiment of will. Kyle knows this being well enough since he has been the host of Ion before, on more than one occasion.

Ion continues it's trajectory toward Kyle, and Kyle, accepting what is going to happen, just stands there. The entity goes inside of Kyle, the impact of him doing so knocks Kyle flat on his ass. Once again, Kyle can feel the power coursing through him. He can admit, he sometimes missed the nigh-omnipotent power. And the best part is, Kyle has complete control. Unlike the some of the other emotional entities, Ion allows its host to use its power uninhibitedly. Meaning, it allows you do to whatever you want.

The Ion entity tells Kyle, “I have been here since the beginning of the universe & I have grown tired. Before I cease to exist, I knew I would have to give my power to someone. So, I have decided to give it all to you, Kyle Rayner. You have been the most worthy host of mine. My power is now yours, and I shall cease to exist once the power transfer is complete.” Kyle feels an unique surge of power. It feels it coursing through the very essence of his being.

Now Kyle is Ion, so to speak. He has all the power that the entity had, much like before. However, unlike before he doesn’t have an entity inside him that could leave whenever it felt like it. The power is Kyle’s and there nothing anyone could do to take it away from him.

All that power is his and he can do whatever he wants. Right now, Kyle wants nothing more than to shove his dick inside a nice, tight pussy. And with nigh-omnipotence, the possibilities are literally endless.

The only question now is, where does he begin his search?

Here on Earth? There's plenty of beautiful women here that Kyle wouldn't mind making them moan in ecstasy. Even some of the ones who are, let's say, not always on the right side of the law. Hell, if he wanted to, he can use some of that limitless power to bring back the girlfriends who haven't been brought back to life.

Does he look in space? He's definitely not opposed to fucking alien chicks. Then, there's also other Lanterns, Green or otherwise. Maybe he'll want to bend the newest Green Lantern, Jessica Cruz, over and teach her a thing or two.

Also, why limit himself to just this universe? There's an infinite multiverse worth of pussy just waiting for him. He's bound to bump into some women out there that spark his interest. And, who knows, he might end up in a universe where everything is seemingly normal and no one has powers, which would make all the women there very ripe for the picking.

Where does Kyle start his search?

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