TF City

There exist several magical cities throughout the multiverse. These cities will either replace a pre-existing or simply appear in an area with enough space for the city. The Tf cities are all individually themed to one type of transformation with various

Chapter 1 by Drake G. Reaper Drake G. Reaper

There exist several magical cities throughout the multiverse. These cities will either replace a pre-existing or simply appear in an area with enough space for the city. The Tf cities are all individually themed to one type of transformation with various districts with there own theme creating varied transformations. Such wonderful cities include the Flabulous Plump City where fat is where it's at and thin is a sin, or perhaps you're interested in releasing your wild side than Furry Heights is the place for you. Maybe you're interested in getting closer to your family than **** Hills is the place for you or perhaps your looking to live carefree without a thought in your head and giant tits on your chest then Bimburg's for you. No matter which city there's one for you.

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