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Chapter 2 by BiBiComte BiBiComte

What are these?

Normality Dial

The Normality (or Affinity) Dial

Is an object fitted on a detachable metal strip that may go around one's wrist, similarly to a watch; in fact it may very well be mistaken as one by people from recent centuries.


Like with a watch, the normality dial's display includes a circular protective screen. Underneath is what you'd expect from a clock or watch; two ticking hands, with marks on the edge of the circle indicating the time.

But the difference here is that there are no numbers, or ticking. The dial is frozen in place unless adjusted by two wheels on either side of the dial, and instead of numbers, four 'N''s are situated at the spots 12, 3, 6, and 9 would typically be at.

By adjusting the hands of the dial, one can alter or modulate the affects and gradations of the normality device in two flavors:

The big hand = normalization of the wearer
The small hand = normalities superimposed upon the world, others, & reality

Each hand represents one side of "normality": the state of or pertaining to being normal, accepted, necessitated, regulated in a manner that conforms perception and variables into consolidated forms, or in other words being de facto/par the course/how it always has been or unquestionably is.

There are several gradations that determine the nature of the effects of the normalization and to what degree. They are (with placeholder names):

The Big Hand (Normalization) -

Tolerance [Left/West/9 o'clock]
Naturalism [Up/North/12 o'clock]
Apathy [Right/East/3 o'clock]
Affinity [Down/South/6 o'clock]

These modulations each induce their own state of normalization with numerous levels of mildness/extremity. The middle two are the most traditional states of the normality effect.

Tolerance: As the name suggests, this state makes the wearer's most questionable deeds tolerated. Their most vile offenses will be disregarded and shrugged off. At worst, they will be briefly chided and resisted, but otherwise allowed to do what they please. Though they'll, for the most part, be treated the same, when it comes to judgement or permissions the wearer is not subject to the same standards as other persons -- and though others may have varying reactions at first, including disdain, they will take the wearer's actions and decisions as something that is not worth arguing or debating or moralizing against. In here, the wearer is reminiscent to a hurricane, or storm, that you may dislike, but can't control; and you do not blame a storm for doing what is in its nature, as it is pointless.

Naturalism: This state makes the wearer's deeds and most actions seem natural/normal, and themselves wholly unaccountable. Like the first modulation, their most questionable ones will be tolerated, but acknowledgement may be more often casual and/or friendly. Others may react to the wearer's actions, words, or ripple effects, but they will not find them deplorable or worth hurting them over to the extent they normally would -- though others will still act as themselves ('natural') around and towards the wearer, they may do so with less inhibition or opposition in certain areas. In here, the wearer is akin to an acquaintance that is just being themselves, and can do whatever they please, and go wherever they want; a husband has sex with their wife because they are married -- they will also have sex with the wearer even if they're not married to them, but because the act is considered mostly as normal as having sex with their spouse, even though they're aware they're not having sex with said spouse. In other words, this resolves contradictions by making false equivalents. Because the nature of this is to create as natural as an atmosphere as possible, reactions may vary extensively, and results may overlap with all the other modulations combined -- but the end-state of being largely acquitted by most accounts remains constant. This is where all modulations meet.

Apathy: This state makes the wearer and their actions and deeds virtually insignificant to others. Care about their presence or any of their actions are **** to null. Though they can interact with others, when they have their attention, anything they do or say that may normally be viewed as remarkable/exceptional/criminalizing in any area will instead seem average, or middling (aka, a "meh"). This is the most literal of normalizations, and, hence the name, predominantly induces apathy by others towards the wearer in everything they do, show, and are, and will allow them to be more consistently ignored than with the Naturalism modulation (which still allows the wearer to do things and go places uncared for, only not to such a level of de-perception). In here, they are like a tiny wind; if you walk towards it, past it, through it, it doesn't matter much to you, even if it's truly there. If it blows harder, you may pay some more attention -- but it hasn't suddenly become solid. You can get run over, flop onto the street, and it will be as if nothing ever happened.

Affinity (or Friend-maker; Absolute Favor): This state makes the wearer liked, beloved, respected, infallible, important, and/or all of the above, and paints everything they do in a similar light, at least in long-term contexts. Not only are their actions tolerated, normalized, or forgiven, but may be looked up upon, encouraged, and highly accommodated/understood at best and looked over as a 'little thing' at worst. People will want do things for them, make exceptions for them, and look out for their well-being/state of satisfaction. This also comes with reciprocation effects invoked by the dial itself. Like normal friends, however, even they can get mad or devastated, depending on their psyche; but every time, they will come back remorseful and understanding. In other words, this acclimates everyone around and acknowledging the wearer to like the wearer as they would a friend, someone they idolize, someone they respect, or someone they'd entrust their life to, even if it means sacrificing it. This state maximizes trust and favor in others to the most **** caliber -- this, however, does not turn them into slaves (at least not at once). In here, the wearer becomes a good friend that you feel like you could do anything with, and don't mind much if anything they do, and always feel like they represent the kind of qualities you respect in a person, even if it's clearly in conflict; they are the favored child of three in a home whose mistakes are always waved away and whose lies are believed, and even when scolded, are eventually forgiven, and supplied the warmest hug afterward; like a friend, you would do anything for them, but you also have your own personality and beliefs that influence the way you show your affection and interact with them. Unlike a normal relationship, however, there is nothing you wouldn't do to keep the wearer's friendship, as you value them unconditionally -- even if you don't know it.

NOTE: Individual people can be given a sustained affinity effect if they look directly into the dial. The dial will briefly read the subject and keep the effect on them with respect to the wearer/owner, even if the wearer adjusts the modulation. This will be maintained until they are made to look at the dial again.

(This state may not show its affects immediately, but the difference to the other modulations will be apparent once interaction is initiated; depending on how slow or how quickly the wearer chooses to work, and the psychological make-up of individual people, he may develop his affinity with others over time, or instantaneously.)

The Small Hand (Normality):

null (Left/West/9 o'clock)
Contemporary (Up/North/12 o'clock)
Old (Right/East/3 o'clock)
Reality Scaler (Down/South/6 o'clock)

By using the word 'normal' and its variations the wearer may determine what others perceive as and decisively is normal.

Null: When the hand is on the left 'N', the initiator is disabled, and saying 'normal' will do nothing. In some lost myth, however, is the notion that some other function is locked behind it. (To say candidly: a 'glitch' in the system may cause the normalities spoken by the wearer to also affect the wearer's perception and make them unaware of the change -- whether active or not, well... that depends on how the writer's feeling..)

Contemporary: All normalities are made to be normal from the point it was uttered and on. Despite being newly established, they won't be questioned, because after all it is normal.

Old: Allows for normalities that have 'always been there', even changing history/reality in ways to suit it.

Reality Scaler: Allows for normalities that change reality directly, such as matter, physics, (like the color of an individual item, or the way someone looks) and other areas the other modulations can not affect. This will automatically be considered as having always existed, since a reasonable starting point.

If the age of a normality is specified while not on the Old modulation, the normality will still be implemented successfully.


The Third Hand (Ripple Effect Gauge):

Though at first not visible, the third hand will appear when normalizations have taken effect.

This hand, the thinnest and longest of the three, will move around the radius of the dial on its own, unlike the big and small hand which remain mostly in place.

This provides a measurement of the scope of a recent Ripple Effect.

A Ripple Effect refers to normalizations and amendments placed on things, people, and actions associated with the wearer. They are typically benign at first, but as the scale and/or complexity of the wearer's actions increase, the Ripple Effect becomes influenced directly by the wearer's subconscious or conscious mind, meaning, how they would like it to be employed will be carried out on the dial's own volition.

Minor ripple effects occur automatically every time the wearer forces others to participate with him in acts such as going topless and sucking on a nipple. Though the wearer is the primary subject of the normalization, this effect is also partially applied to their acquaintance, thus normalizing the situation. Depending on the modulation, this could aso come in varying degrees.

Larger ripple effects will take root both as subconsciously defined by the wearer and determined by the modulation currently active. E.g. cumming on a woman's face, and her walking around all day in it without anybody finding it unusual or scolding her for it, whether or not they saw or knew the wearer at all, is a moderate ripple effect.

The more active and far a recent ripple effect is, the faster the hand will spin. The wearer can slow the hand down with their mind and in turn reduce or interrupt the ripple effect. E.g. he cums on a woman's face, and wishes for her to be more naturally conscious of it -- this will slow the hand down, and the woman may at some earlier point wipe off the cum.

Other examples include having sex with a woman, and taping it then releasing it online. A large ripple effect will ensure she doesn't get in trouble at all and no one cares, regardless of if they knew who she was having sex with, simply because she had that sex with the wearer of the normality dial.

As a normalized/affinitized being, the wearer of the Normality Dial and their distinct sphere of normality is guarded foremost by the Ripple Effect.


Removing the dial from one's wrist will deactivate the normalization of the wearer, but retain the normalities introduced by them unless stated as otherwise.

Removing the dial from the strap itself (turning it akin to a lidless pocket watch) will cause the dial to briefly heat up in their hand, and produce a sharp burning sting, designating the wearer as the current owner of the dial for offhand functionality. This will allow the wearer/owner to still use and enjoy the effects of the dial without having it on their person directly, They will be considered the owner for as long as they remain the last person to have worn it around their wrist or until someone touches it while they are out of range. If the owner is too far away from the dial, its abilities will be cut off from them and unavailable for use -- however, already existing normalities and ripple effects will remain in place.


In addition, there is also a master on/off button that will disable both the normalization and normality ability on the top right side of the dial. After pressing it, the dial will flash once if it's turning on, and will flash twice if turning off. (A small glow is also incorporated following every normality uttered by the wearer.)

Next to it is also an on/off button for only the normalization effect; the number of flashes correspond to the same designations.

Like the other aspects of the dial, this is all to ensure smooth transitions between states as up to the discretion of the wearer.

Putting on the dial will not make the current wearer aware of any changes made/incurred by previous users unless stated so (as a normality) by one of them.

Now, in spite of all these different kinds of modulations, unless found in their original packaging, most dials will come with no manual or explanation -- so most users will have to figure it through experimentation, accident, or both.

Usefully, however, are etched images next to each 'N' that subtly relate to the function of each modulation:

  • Next to the Left N is a face of somebody sighing.
  • Next to the Top N is a face of somebody smirking.
  • Next to the Right N is a face of somebody with a neutral expression.
  • And next to the Bottom N is two faces leaning together laughing.

And additionally,

  • On the other side of the Top N is a small child.
  • On the other side of the Right N is a grown adult.
  • And on the other side of the Bottom N is a planet.

With the right conclusions, one might come to figure out there is more to them than simply decorous art, however...

And with that, the brunt of things end there. Introductions finally aside, it has come to pass that this powerful item left forgotten by its own creators due to its apparent blandness, finds itself in the hands of someone somewhere on some unsuspecting world... mistaken for some harmless accessory, or who knows what.

The possibilities, however, well... normally they would be endless.

Where is the Normality Dial?

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