

Birth of a dynasty

Chapter 1 by lordkyran lordkyran

Disclaimer harry potter universe and character belong to their rightful owner JKR and Warner, English is not my primary language and it my first story so i humbly ask you to be nice and give constructive comment.

PS : AU Hogwarts start at 18 ( also age of consent ) majority is at 24 ( minimum age to enter the tournament ) and the story start in 4th year.

When McGonagall said that "your house will be like a second family" she cant have be more right in harry case, insults, rumour, hate... In a way it was worst than the Dursley because them at least was "just" mean to harry they don't act nice for a week and then betray is trust and hate him for almost a years to in the end come back and said "hey you know i always believe you" just to restart the same pattern next year !

It was like that every year since he turn 18 and go sorted in Gryffindor.

  • First year : the massive docking of point ? All is fault of course !
  • Second year : the heir of slytherin thing ? "We always know he was a snake !"
  • Third year : Don't go near him ! Or the big bad (innocent) sirius black will kill us too ! So let him rot inside the castle with the dementor while we go have fun in the village !

And every time is "friend" had good excuse like

"you know harry Ronald and i are not very know so that why they leave us alone."

"Yeah she right mate plus at the begging of the year she was bullied."

"Indeed like Ronald said it will pass soon so stop complaining okay ?"


"you know harry you speak to snake so you can't blame us ... i mean them to be suspicious."

"Yeah she right and take precaution is what parent told to their child."

"Indeed so you see it's a natural reaction so stop complaining okay ?"


"You know we don't make rules harry and it's not our fault if you can't obtain a signature."

"Yeah she right plus if you come to the village black will come too and you will all put us in danger."

"Indeed so you see staying inside the castle is for the best so stop complaining okay ?"

Their way to talk to him like a stupid child to control him "you know harry Dumbledore..." well where was he when voldemort the Basilisk or the dementor try to kill him or when someone put his name inside the goblet ? He was nowhere!

So when all of his house except Neville, the twin the Creevey brother and Ginny openly accuse him of bringing shame to their noble house by cheating a vote have been called for ban him, and it was a majority of yes for 6 no so harry was banned from the common room and the worst part was that it was his "friends" idea to call a vote.

That what make harry mind snap and he decided to take_revenge but now was not the time he will need to wait to plan after all_revenge is a dish best serve cold so he just snap his finger and in front of a gobsmacked crowd all his thing arrive floating and neatly sorted themselves inside his chest that soon became a small box inside is pocket.

And with that he leave head held high. But now he was outside he need a place to sleep.

Where does he sleep

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