Pokeporn : choose your companion !

Pokeporn : choose your companion !

Gotta Catch ’Em All!

Chapter 1

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All artworks in this story aren't my creations : please check and support these artists awesome work ! I can remove any of these artworks from my stories at the request of their creator !]

You are an experienced pokemon trainer. You go to Hédonia Island when you are finally an adult and you have completed your initiatory journey.

Professor Ivy has contacted you to work with her to solve a mystery on the island. This will also be an opportunity to discover new Pokémon and face new opponents!

But she has a surprise for you...

"All characters in this story are at least 18 years old."

As soon as you get off the boat, you run in the direction indicated by the Professor. You are several hours late, and you still hope to be able to join the mission she mentioned to you...
As you walk along the beach, you see a few young women having fun. How surprised you are when you see the Professor looking at them!

Please log in to view the image artist : gomibukurokarasu

"Hello", she says as you approach breathless, "I see that punctuality is not your strong point... But I'm sure you have plenty of other qualities that could be useful to us", she adds sizing you up.
"But I forget good manners: welcome to Hédonia, the mysterious island. Thank you for coming to participate in the mission I undertake here. You see other participants on the beach who have answered my call. I am sure that with all of you we will be able to penetrate the mysteries of the island..."

you take a look at the beach to gauge the other participants:

Please log in to view the image artist : takecha

Those three look nice. They are a little behind, but you feel that we can count on her if necessary, even if they may be a little shy at first.

Please log in to view the image artist : takecha

This one sticks out her little tongue at you when she meets her gaze. She seems like a kind and lively person.

Please log in to view the image artist : kuroonehalf

These two are a little distant from the group, they seem to be having fun! You probably have to keep their pace and know how to deal with them so that they appreciate you.

Please log in to view the image artist : delux drawings

Last but not least, your eyes stop a little longer on these two, who seem very... open...

"Well, now that you've had a look at your future colleagues, go settle down and recover from the trip. I'll tell you more tomorrow morning!" said the Professor enthusiastically.

what surprises does this strange island and this unusual professor pokemon have in store for you?

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