Corrupted Minds

Corrupted Minds

NOW PUBLIC - Tom manipulates his girlfriend's and her family's minds

Chapter 1 by gha93 gha93

Character introduction

It was a warm summer evening. My girlfriend Jennifer and I sat in her backyard and talked. The sun had already set, and we were flirting and heating up a bit. "We should go in now," Jennifer said. "I've had this top on long enough today, and it looks like something in your pants needs my help badly." I was about to say something lewd back to her when we heard a deep "thump" a few yards away.

"What was that?" asked Jennifer. "I don't know. It sounded like something heavy had fallen on the lawn."

I stood up and walked towards the sound. When I had walked a few yards, I saw a small impact point with a slightly purple glowing something in the middle. Before I could even think about it, I reached out for it remotely.

My fingers were only a few inches from the object when a small purple bolt of lightning emanated from it and hit my hand.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed.
"What happened?" Jennifer asked.
"I don't know. It must have been statically charged." I said and put my finger in my mouth. I felt strange.
"Have you hurt yourself?"
"No, I'm fine."
"What is that thing?"
"I have no idea. Just a moment ago it looked like it was glowing, but now... not anymore. Maybe it's a lump of coal. But how did that get here? Very strange... Do you think your neighbors played a joke and threw some charcoal in your garden??"

Jennifer's neighbors were actually quite nice, especially Chloe, at 23, the eldest of the three siblings and Jennifer's best friend. Unfortunately, her brother Simon kept goading John, the youngest of the three siblings at 19, into exaggerated pranks. Some of them really went too far.

"Very funny!" Jennifer shouted over the fence.

No reaction.

"Well, where were we?" she asked, tracing her cleavage seductively with her index finger.

Somehow I felt different. Somehow... more uninhibited.

"You wanted to take your top off," I said with a grin.

Jennifer looked a little distant for a moment and then, to my pleasant surprise, began to pull her top over her head. In the middle of her backyard garden. I watched with my mouth open as my girlfriend's large breasts came out, only covered by her bra. Although Jennifer and I didn't have a boring sex life, she was usually shy in public. Getting undressed in public here, where at least three neighboring houses could see her, was unusual.

"Wow! You look great!"
"Thank you..." she replied hesitantly. "I kind of suddenly felt like it. I don't know what came over me either."
"I think it's cool! ... and now?" I asked excitedly.
"Now, we'd better go in quickly and get on with it. I don't want Simon or John staring at my tits."
"Would that be so bad?" I said. I suddenly liked the idea very much. That was new... exciting.
"Yes!" she said, laughing, punched my arm, and then started running. I followed her, admiring her cute ass. Where did this sudden arousal come from?
"I love your butt," I blurted out. "You're already half naked anyway. Don't you want to take off your jeans too? Come on. Take off your Pants. Dare yourself!"

Jennifer stopped for a moment. She unzipped her pants and pulled them down. Her bare ass, covered only by a thong, stretched out towards me. It was a beautiful sight. Just the right size, not too small, but not too big either. I loved everything about it. My pants slowly got tighter.

She turned to me.

"I don't know exactly why I did that," she admitted uncertainly.
"You wanted to tease me, didn't you?"
"Yeah, probably..." she said hesitantly.
"It worked." I grabbed my crotch. "You look great. I like that revealing side of you."
"I'm not sureā€¦"
"Don't you like it? Isn't it exciting?"
"Yes, yes... a little, but..."
"Come on. Let's not stop with that. I want more. Suck my cock! Take my cock deep in your mouth! Here and now. Dare yourself!"

Jennifer's gaze strayed for a split second. She got on her knees in front of me and started to undo my pants, to my delight. I could hardly believe my luck. She reached into my pants and grabbed my now hard cock. Then she pulled it out and kissed my crown. She started licking my dick and jerking me off at the same time. She wrapped her beautiful lips around it and let my cock sink deep into her mouth. When it couldn't advance any further, she let my cock slide out again. She has always had a talented tongue.

Her head now bounced faster and faster up and down on my dick. My cock throbbed deeper and deeper into her.

"Oh yes, that's good. Don't stop."

She continued, and it wasn't long before I felt my orgasm approaching. It was about to happen!

"Watch out. I'll be coming right now." I told her. I knew she didn't like it when I cum in her mouth. She didn't like the taste and found it demeaning. But just now, she made no move to stop. She kept milking my cock instead. With a loud groan, I began to squirt my warm semen deep into her mouth. Shot after shot, I spilled into her, and she just kept going. I was surprised. I loved that she didn't take my cock out of her mouth as usual. Too many times, I'd imagined Jennifer just continuing to suck, and yet I was disappointed every time she took my cock out of her mouth again and finished me by hand.

But not today. Today, for some reason, she wouldn't stop sucking my cock. When I was getting a little restless because it was getting a bit too much, and she still didn't look like she would stop, I noticed her panicked look.

"Are you okay? What's the matter? Stop it."

I didn't understand what she had. After a second, she pulled my cock out of her mouth and coughed. She spat the last remainings of my cum onto the ground next to her.

"I don't know what was going on! I couldn't stop," she said out of breath. "I wanted to pull your cock out, but I couldn't! My body just kept going! Even when you were cumming in my mouth, I kept sucking you! What was that?!"

It slowly dawned on me that something was wrong. I remembered how Jennifer kept stopping and staring blankly. And then she stripped naked both times... and even gave me a blowjob. Could it be? Did I do that to her? No... or was it?

I had to find out!

"Get up," I ordered her. There it was again. That blank, absent, unfocused look. Jennifer got up. I became very warm.
"Spin in circles." She did as instructed and gave me a puzzled look.
"W... What's that? Is... Is... Is that you?"
"Please be quiet. I'm testing something." I said to her, unusually harsh. She stopped talking, looked startled, and put her hands to her mouth.
"Take off your bra and jump up and down!"

She did. What a sight. Her beautiful breasts bounced in front of me in a mesmerizing way. I could have looked at that for hours. Jennifer's eyes were wide open now, and she looked around in panic. She didn't understand what was going on. But she didn't seem to like it.

So it was true. It was me. I alone. I had somehow been given the ability to control her. But how?

"The stone!" it suddenly occurred to me. The stone was the reason. Somehow the purple glowing rock had given me the ability to manipulate my girlfriend. I was stunned. Also, there was this weird feeling, this sudden arousal. That had to come from it too. As I gathered my thoughts, I noticed that Jennifer was still jumping up and down.

"Stop jumping."

Jennifer dropped to the ground exhausted, and looked at me anxiously. I had to do something.

"Forget everything that has happened since we found the stone. Ignore that you are only wearing a thong. Everything is okay. You can talk again." I said before I realized what I was doing.

As I ordered this, her eyes widened again briefly. Then her gaze went blank, and she started smiling again.

"So, Tom, do you want to go in and snuggle up under my covers finally?"
"I'd love to," I said, grabbing her clothes.

When we went into the house through the terrace door, I first looked to see if anyone was there. When I couldn't see anything, I went inside.

"What's going on? Are you afraid that Ashley will be there and be annoying again? She's staying with Marcus tonight.", she said while standing almost entirely naked in her living room, wearing only her thong. She didn't even try to cover herself.

Just as we got upstairs and were about to go into Jennifer's room, the bathroom door opened, and her brother Ben came out. He stared wide-eyed at his sister from head to toe, staying a little longer at chest level. There was a nervous smile on his face. I felt the arousal rise again.

"Hi Ben! Hey, how are you?" Jennifer said happily and hugged her brother warmly. "I didn't know you were home already. Did you get your game?"
"Yes... I have. I've been back for a few minutes... um, are you okay?" He looked visibly confused.
"Yes, of course. Tom and I were just in the backyard, and now we wanted to hang out in my room. Have fun with your new game!"

And with that, she went to her room.

"Thanks... you too... have fun," he replied. I stayed with Ben for a moment. "Please don't tell your mother and Robert about this." His eyes were blank for a moment then everything was back to normal. So it worked for others too. Good to know.

"Yeah, no problem. Um, why exactly is my sister naked? Doesn't that bother her at all"
"It was just a little dare."
"Okay, well then," Ben said. He didn't sound convinced entirely, but I didn't want to manipulate him further at this point.
"Okay, see you tomorrow."

I went to Jennifer's room, where my now completely naked girlfriend was already waiting for me.

What's next?

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