The House off 26th Street

The House off 26th Street

New Home New You

Chapter 1 by jolteon17 jolteon17

Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

Your eyes fluttered open to the sound of water running. Groaning slightly, you **** yourself to take in the surroundings. There's a desk close to the entrance of the rather small room, covered in floral arrangements.

Odd, you thought. You didn't remember having a birthday or anything recently. Continuing your scan of the room you continue to notice more small details. A small TV in the upper corner, polished tile floors alternating between black and white, a heart monitor, a sink running water, with a nurse washing their hands in it. With your mind all but confirming the situation you've found yourself in, you glance down at your left arm. An IV is stuck into your vein. Very Odd

"Um, excuse me?" you say, trying to get the nurse's attention.

"Oh! You're finally awake!" The nurse turned around, and immediately you're met with the sight of two rather voluptuous err- absolutely respectably sized and definitely not worth looking at... but maybe just one more peek- "Ahem" whoopsie...

Blushing furiously, your eyes shoot up to meet the eye of the nurse, a wide smile on her beautiful features. "You must be John. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." You nod, fighting the redness from your face as fast as you can manage. "Now I'm sure you're wondering how you got here, unless you've managed to remember anything in the few moments before now?"

You shake your head no, eagerly waiting for her to elaborate.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry you have to find out this way; I was really hopeful you'd remember..." she muttered, before taking a deep breath. "Two nights ago, you and your parents were caught in a house fire, faulty pipes led to a gas leak and-" she choked on her words, a few tears escaping her eyes. You felt your stomach climb into your throat. "Mr. and Mrs. Doe were found dead when first responders arrived on the scene minutes later. You were found alive, with a few minor burns and a nasty head injury. We believe your father managed to push you out of the way when the house went up. John, words can't express how sorry I am."

Finding yourself unable to think straight, you hear yourself sobbing as your world goes dark.

Five Months Later

Touching up your Short, Dirty Blonde hair, you step out of your hotel room for the last time. Since the accident a few months ago, the hospital where you were treated graciously offered you free stay at this 4 star hotel until you made preparations to live on your own. Both of your grandparents were pivotal in this process, imparting on you all of the things you would need to know as not only a home owner, but as a functioning adult.

Your whole family was heartbroken to hear the news when it got to local news sources, but in that funny way that grief tends to, it also brought all of you together. You're forever grateful for their continued support. Humming to yourself, you step off of the elevator leading to the lobby, thanking the lovely staff at the front of house and dropping off your key card.

As you stepped into the car parked in the drive, you continued to reflect on recent events as you greeted your chauffeur. After your folks passed away, their estate was left to you, their only son. Both of your parents, while extremely humble, were at the tops of their respective fields for years before the incident. Your father headed the research and testing division of experimental home-helper tech, a company called Happy-Home Industries, or HHI. Your mom was in charge of the architecture division, making the tech features cooked up by the research division work in a stylish, modern home.

These homes, fittingly called Happy Homes, are still very much in development; and if the magazine is anything to go by, their progress has been heavily hindered by the recent tragedy. Before they died, however, your parents finally completed the newest prototype of the Happy Home. You all had plans to move there and test it out, funnily enough. You sighed to yourself, a knot forming in your chest as you remembered your folks.

Since the house was lost in the fire the night that your world fell apart, HHI offered you a once in a lifetime offer: Out of respect for your parents (and perhaps some pity for you), they gave you the deed for the home that your parents completed together. There were quite a few documents to sign, some of them worryingly specific about liabilities and the safety of a prototype house, but you were confident that you would be fine. When the time came, you signed every document they gave you, without really reading over them too closely in the process. If your parents trusted the house enough to live in it, you would too.

As you watched the highway whiz by your window, you settled into your plush seat. From what you could see, you were nearing your destination. The buildings had turned into trees, the bustling city life replaced with expansive stretches of farmland. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, getting so far away from everything, you thought to yourself. The Happy Home is located in the middle of nowhere Montana, far away from civilization for both safety reasons and cheap land prices. The rest of your family was well across the country. There was one upside though.

Your best friend since as long as either of you could remember was currently attending University in Montana (you had finished your degree a few years early due to your parents home-schooling you throughout your childhood). Olivia was a stunning Brunette, with long, wavy hair that fell past her shoulders, and a perky set of C cup breasts that fit perfectly on her rather petite frame. Being her friend you never made a move on her, but you'd be lying if you said you'd never thought about it (Or thought about her while partaking in other... activities). She's been your rock since the accident, and you're really glad you'll be able to see her a little more often now (though she is still across the state, the University is in a major city).

Trying to focus on the positives, you smile slightly while hyping yourself up.

That's right, Olivia is closer than ever, my financial situation is set for life, and this is a great chance for a new start!

Even with the (admittedly cheesy) positive assertion ringing in your mind, you still couldn't help feeling a little anxious as the chauffeur pulled off the now 2 lane highway and onto the smaller offshoots of road. You watched the numbered street signs as they whizzed by...

21, 22, 23, 24

The car begins to slow as you pulled past 25 and onto 26th street. Taking a deep breath, you opened the door, and took your first steps towards your new beginning.

End of Ch. 1

Author Notes: Hello all! This is my first attempt at writing something like this, so please bear with me; updates may be slow. This will ultimately be a feminization story, but it will definitely be a slow burn, paced out more like a long story than a bite sized experience. If that isn't your cup of tea, thanks for reading this far anyway! For everyone else, please enjoy as the rest of the story... unfolds...

You look up at your new house

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