Pokemon Resistance Forces V2

Pokemon Resistance Forces V2

Your Terrorist Is Our Freedom Fighter

Chapter 1 by Deathcon Deathcon

All characters in this story are at least 18 years old.

For nearly two centuries Pokemon have been used to battle other Pokemon and slowly the tamed Pokemon began to grow less and less content with their position as pets of the humans and being **** to battle each other. They grew to be stronger than ever before and steadily grew more humanoid as well, leading to them overthrowing the humans. Now they would even use them in 'Human Battles', though their new battling is more sex than battling, as a form of retribution. Most Pokemon however use their new human "friends" as slaves and don't subject them to the pain of battle but still use them manual, mental, and sexual slavery.

A group of resistance fighters, steadily growing each passing day, named Team Rocket wishes to put a stop to this, however. Led by Giovanni, a former Gym Leader before the Pokemon took over, they capture Pokemon with the newly improved Pokeballs and use them to battle other Pokemon and wish to overthrow the Pokemon and return things to how they were.

There are other growing resistance groups too including Team Magma, Team Sky, Team Galatic, Team Plasma, Team Neo Plasma, Team Flare, Aether Foundation, Team Skull, Team Yell, Macro Cosmo, and more. With Team Magma, Team Sky, Team Galatic, and even Team Plasma joining Team Rocket to form Team Rainbow Rocket.

However, it won't be that easy as their new Pokeballs, while so far the only ones that can catch ANY Pokemon after the Pokemon grew immune to the old Pokeballs, have a very low chance of catching Legendary like Pokemon and Mythical like Pokemon aren't that much better. And those Pokemon can usually be found at the top of the new world.

Still, they won't stop trying and they are still improving their Pokeballs more and more. Soon the resistance will provoke an all-out war with the Pokemon in the hope of putting humans on top. And that is where you come in!

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