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Chapter 2 by lurker01 lurker01

Where to start......

Later In The Series

Set later in series seven. Anya is no longer a demon and Giles has returned bring with him the first of the potential slayers.

Willow and Tara knelt on the basement floor on opposing sides of the magic symbols drown on the ground holding hands to form a circle round them. Buffy and Giles stood by watching hoping that between the two of them they might just have the power to locate the source of great evil that had begun it’s reign of terror. But having been off the magic for nearly a year now Willow was finding it difficult to feel the power coursing through her once again.

In their minds they suddenly saw flashes of a world of pain and suffering prompting them to break their connection resulting in an explosive blast of magic between them throwing them back onto the floor.

They sat back up.

“Well?” asked Buffy.

“It’s not good Buffy, The First is too well shielded.” Said Tara, “all we could see was darkness pain and suffering.”

“Sorry guys,” Willow said, “Maybe if I had better control over my powers.”

“It’s Ok Will, you can’t expect to go back to this stuff after so long and demonstrate the same power you had before.”

The two witches got up and headed upstairs. The house was starting to get crowded with the increasing number of potentials and Giles and Buffy were due to leave in a few days to collect a couple more that were making their way up from South America.

Tara made her way through the front room past all the girls and headed up the stairs to the bathroom. She wasn’t entirely comfortable around so many people and he bathroom was about the only place in the house anyone could get some privacy.

She entered and shut the door but a boot wedged it’s way into the doorway before it could fully close. Kennedy pushed her way in closed the door and slid the bolt across to lock it.

“Finally.” She said stepping towards Tara and putting her arms around her, “Some time alone.” She kissed her.

Tara pulled back.

“You Ok baby.” Asked Kennedy.

“Yeah. No. I just I just don’t like sneaking around behind Willow’s back like this.”

“Yeah but it is fun, and if the world is going to end we might as well enjoy ourselves before it does.” Replied Kennedy.

Meanwhile across town raw magical energy crackled inside one of the many old crypts in Sunnydale as the gateway opened. A portal to a dark place where pain and suffering ruled. The witches had not realized but the guilt Tara felt at cheating on her lover had affected the locater spell bringing forth a being of darkness, twisted and corrupted into evil by it’s own feelings of pain and guilt, an Evil Willow infused with the darkest of magics from a universe where she hadn’t turned her back on magic but had instead embraced its darkness with the help of Rack.

As the portal reached it’s full size Evil Willow fell hard out of the gateway onto the cold hard ground. She sat up and cracked her neck.

"Not fun." she said getting up and looking around.

She stood up on her thigh high black leather boots dusted off the black latex mini skirt she wore and the matching top with the large cleavage cut out proudly displaying her magically enhanced chest.

She stepped outside and took in the air but something wasn't right she could feel it.

She left the graveyard and began heading towards town but it wasn't right. Where were all the slutty **** girls? Why were there no screams of women being tormented by her demonic minions.

As she continued to walk she ran into to two men.

"Whoa sorry, whoa." said one of them suddenly seeing her chest, "And where you going."

"This isn't right, there are any men in my town." Said the Evil Willow

"Really baby why's that?" asked the second man.

"Because I killed them all." She replied.

The two guys looked at each other and laughed.

"Bored now," said Willow, "Now burn."

The two men’s laughter was cut short by scream as the began to burst into flames burning until they were a pile of ashes on the ground.

"New world." smiled Evil Willow, "Big fun."

What does Evil Willow do first?

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