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Chapter 3 by Raljo Raljo

Who fucks up the mighty Wonder Woman?

It starts with a hit to her pride

Wonder Woman was a proud superheroine. She defended her honor religiously, and did not take kindly to being mocked or looked down upon in any regard. Which is why one particular conversation at a lunch table within the Justice League’s satellite base, the Watchtower, stuck with her so much.

Fetching her lunch from the cafeteria’s open buffet and assembling it onto her plate, Diana had scanned the room before her eyes came to rest on a table with two other female Leaguers. Power Girl and Starfire, both newer additions to the League, were giggling a conversation to each other.

Diana smiled. She was glad to see them so comfortable within the Watchtower already.

Power Girl was a blonde Kryptonian, with the heftiest bust in the entire Justice League. Her white costume’s boob window served to show off the fact that, even among superheroines, her boobs were by far the most impressive. Starfire was an orange-skinned alien from Tamaran, with long, fiery red hair and glowing green eyes. Some would consider her revealing purple costume to be slutty, but those skimpy clothes were no less than royal garbs on her home planet.

Though she’d spoken to each of them months before, as they were being inducted into the League, she had yet to spend any real social time with either woman. Each were powerful, mighty additions to the league, and Wonder Woman was sure they would leap at the chance to eat lunch with her - a Justice League founder, and the most powerful woman in the world. So, with a small swagger to her hips, Wonder Woman marched her lunch tray over to their table.

“What are we giggling about, ladies?” she asked, setting her lunch down and taking a seat.

The laughter stopped, and the pair turned to look at her, a hint of embarrassment on Power Girl’s face.

“Wonder Woman! So good to see you. How have you been?” Power Girl asked her Justice League superior.

“I’ve been well, Power Girl. What is it that the two of you were talking about?”

There was a short silence before Starfire interjected.

“Friend Kara and I were speaking of the quality of dick on this planet!”

Wonder Woman’s eyes bulged, and a small gasp left her lips. Briefly, her legs tensed, as if she were about to stand up and walk away. But, not wanting to leave a bad impression, she simply **** her lips into a smile. “Oh?” she asked the two young powerhouses.

“Oh yes, it is most wonderful! Nightwing and I have enjoyed many passionate nights since becoming lovers. It makes my body feel so happy!”

Power Girl was face-palming. “I told you not to tell her, Kori. Sorry Diana, I know you don’t like talking about anything sexual.”

“What do you mean?” Wonder Woman asked with a little too much quickness. Her face was tinted slightly red, not noticeable to anyone without Kryptonian eyes. “Please, go on.”

Power Girl’s eyes narrowed at the older, more experienced superheroine. “Are… Are you sure? Aren’t you a virgin? I don’t want you to feel left out.”

Starfire broke into a small fit of giggles again. “Friend Diana is a virgin?” she asked, humor clear on her face and in her tone. “But you have existed for many decades, yes?”

“Kori!” Power Girl laughed, whacking Starfire on the shoulder. “Stop that! You know she is. And you know she’s a prude about this stuff, stop teasing.”

Wonder Woman frowned. It was true that she was still a virgin - a point of some insecurity for her, after seeing how glorified sex is by the world beyond her island. She was constantly being made to believe that she was somehow “missing out”, by music and advertisements and TV shows which played up the importance of sex. It was something of a sore point, and one that she often avoided addressing out of embarrassment and awkwardness.

Being mocked for it by any of the Leaguers would have upset her, but to be mocked by these two somehow made it all the worse. They were new recruits, and instead of being in awe of Wonder Woman, a founding member and woman of immense power and fame, they were making fun of her to her face. Even worse, neither one of them were from Earth originally - making it out like Diana’s maidenhood was a personal failing on a galactic scale, and not just a planetary one.

“I’m not a prude!” Wonder Woman said, face reddening much more now. “I have no problem with s-sex. I mean, I hardly consider myself a **** to the dick, but I’m not against the idea of… And anyway, we should be above such things!” she cut herself off. “We’re heroes! We should be role models to the rest of the world, not simple women, weaker than our own cravings.”

Power Girl‘s mouth was twitching with the effort to hold in her laughter. Wonder Woman continued.

“It’s true that sexuality wasn’t something we explored on Themyscira, and I’m glad that the two of you were able to find loving partners, but discussing such things at work when we’re supposed to be protecting the world is not appropriate!”

Diana finished her rant with a huff. Power Girl nodded once, slowly, lips still holding back a smile.

“So… Not a prude?” she asked.

The simple question made the Justice League founder rise to her feet, pick up her remaining lunch, and march angrily off to sit at another table. Power Girl and Starfire’s laughed followed her all the way over as she took a seat next to a smiling, waving Batgirl, who beckoned Diana to the seat beside her.

What a horrible experience! Wonder Woman herself, laughed away from the lunch table at the Watchtower. Diana scoffed, trying to mask her embarrassment with disdain. Those two were obscene. Had she known they were so slutty, she would have rejected them from the League, powers and female solidarity be damned.

“How good could a dick possibly be?” she thought to herself.

Though, as she ate the rest of her lunch, she found that she couldn’t fully focus on the conversation at her new table - she was still mentally stuck at her last one. And a few days later, while patrolling for crime to bust, she would find that she was still thinking about it.

Who does Diana bump into?

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