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Chapter 2


First Target: Tsunade Senju (Konoha MC)

"You're the last of the Senju Clan, aren't you?"

Only the old geezers had the nerve to talk to her about her deceased clan, and their nerve was born of the knowledge she couldn't touch them. This civilian didn't have that protection, so he was either brave or stupid. It was probably the latter.

Tsunade considered putting him through a wall, but it wasn't worth it. She was warm, she was comfortable, she had a cup of sake in her hand, and she had the day off.

Annoying or not, he was still a villager under her care. Tsunade couldn't **** him. If she put him through a wall, she would have to heal him and that was bound to ruin her day. He wasn't worth it.

"I am." Her tone made it clear any further questions would make her reconsider whether **** was acceptable.

The stranger didn't take the hint. "Don't you think you should make sure your clan doesn't go extinct?"

He sounded like the geezers on the Elder Council. She was doing her part for the village by being its Hokage. Wasn't that enough?

"I'm not bringing anymore Senju's into this cursed world."

"Elaborate on that." His words are a command. Who was he to command the Hokage? Tsunade didn't need to answer and by most respects, she shouldn't have answered. She should have put the uppity civilian in his place.

Tsunade doesn't. She's not sure why she doesn't, but she doesn't. "Did you know I used to have a brother?"

"I didn't."

"Not many people do. His name was Nawaki Senju, and he was a victim of the Third Shinobi War, alongside most of my clan."

"It's a risk that all ninja face," the stranger's apathy irked Tsunade. "It is the job of ninja to risk their lives for their village. When you risk your life, there is a chance you'll lose it."

"All ninja risk their lives, but not all ninja have a target on their back. My clan was powerful and famous. That was to our detriment. If an enemy ninja has two options, between pursuing and killing a ninja with no clan and a Senju, which do you think they'll pick?"

"The Senju."

Tsunade nodded. "Throughout the Third Shinobi War, my clan was whittled down to a single member because killing us was a priority for our enemies."

The man was content to listen, but Tsunade wasn't sure her words were getting through. She decided to paint him a picture. "Imagine this: you're me, the Third War is raging, and you're brother just died. You know enough about history to know that no war lasts forever and this war will eventually end, but you also know the following peace won't last forever. In a few decades, there will be another war.

"If you have children now, they'll grow up to fight and die in it. The cycle will continue. The enemy will continue to hunt the Senju's for their power, and eventually, they will die the same way that Tobirama Senju did." The reference to the Second Hokage was poignant. He had been ambushed during a peace meeting and killed despite his great power. It was a reminder that no matter how strong the Senju were, they weren't invincible.

Tsunade continued with less well-known, but more personal examples. "They'll die the same way Nawaki did. They'll die the same way Dan did." Finally, she posed the question: "Knowing that they would be marked for **** from their first breath, would you bring Senju children into this world?"

"Yes." The answer was immediate.

It was frustrating, but Tsunade could tell he was being honest. As a Kage-level ninja, it was difficult to fool her, and a civilian wouldn't be able to manage it. "Then you're either a fool or a monster."

"The reason the enemy targeted the Senju was because they were powerful. Your grand-uncle, Tobirama, died but he took seventeen of the twenty members of Kumo's Kinaku **** with him. That was seventeen of their best ninja. If they had lived they would have killed dozens, if not hundreds of Konoha shinobi. By taking them with him, he saved lives on our side.

"Even in the example you gave, where a hypothetical enemy ninja had to choose between killing a Senju and a less appealing Konoha ninja; choosing the Senju would save the other person's life. In a scenario where the Senju wasn't there, he would have died."

Tsunade scoffed. She had been a ninja for decades and was familiar with the argument being offered. The people who offered it were always people who had lost nothing. To them, this was an intellectual discussion. "You're very quick to offer my children to the slaughterhouse. Would you be as quick if they were yours?"

The question was meant to ground the stranger and bring him back to reality. It was easy to sacrifice people when they were a stranger's child and even easier when they were fictional caricatures. It was much harder to sacrifice your child.

"Every patriot should be willing to sacrifice for the betterment of their village. It saddens me that you aren't a patriot."

"You don't get to lecture me about patriotism. I've fought in a war for this village. I've sacrificed my family for this village. I'm going to sacrifice my golden years leading this village. What have you sacrificed?"

"According to you? My future children. There is nothing wrong with me impregnating you, is there?"

"I haven't slept with a man since Dan died." It was a side-step. Given the way he was looking at her, it wasn't a successful one. "I would rather not get pregnant," she tried again.

"But if I wanted to impregnate you, I could?"

"You know you could." She tried to keep her tone even, but some of her discontent leaked through. She dismissed it. She didn't have time to be discontent.

Her mind raced to look for an escape. Tsunade was the world's greatest medic-nin. There was a lot she could do to avoid getting pregnant and bringing another Senju into this world, from pills to Jutsu.

If the stranger hadn't specified that he wanted to impregnate her, then she could have let him cum inside and then neutralized the sperm. But he had specified he wanted to impregnate her, and that made all the difference.

If I said I was doing this solely for duty, I would be lying, but if I said I was doing this for pleasure, I'd also be lying. The truth was more complicated than that.

Members of the Senju Clan had powerful Yang Chakra that kept their members young. Normal women hit menopause at forty-five, after which point they couldn't have children. Senju women arrived at menopause at sixty.

While that was later than normal women, they still hit menopause and Tsunade was getting older. Once she hit menopause, the Senju Clan would be doomed. Once she died, one of Konoha's founding clans would be extinct. I couldn't allow that.

Keeping the deadline in mind, my options for dealing with her were limited. I couldn't wait for the issue to resolve itself. If Tsunade was going to get over her reservations, then it would have happened by now. The only way she was going to have children and continue the Senju Clan was if I intervened.

In that light, my decision was motivated by duty. In another light, it was motivated by lust.

Tsunade Senju was naturally gifted with H-cup breasts- according to some, they were the largest in the world- and a combination of honey eyes and sunshine hair. Her beauty was refined with a lifetime of ninja training; granting her a thin waist and lithe limbs.

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Well-traveled men claimed Tsunade was the most beautiful woman in the world. I agreed.

Even if she weren't the last Senju and I didn't have a reason to bed her, I still might have. With my mind-control abilities making the task so simple, I don't think I would have the willpower to leave her unscored.

As I led Tsunade to a vacant room on the second floor of the inn- a quick discussion with the innkeeper had given me the keys- I was glad that duty and lust compelled me to the same course of action.

That course of action began with me divesting her of her garments.

Tsunade was wearing a flowing dress. Despite being a single piece, she made it appear as though it were two by tying a blue sash around her waist. Until I had undone the sash, the bottom half of the dress had been masquerading as a skirt while the top half masqueraded as a tank-top.

Tsunade didn't resist my efforts- if she had, I wouldn't have succeeded in undressing her- but she didn't aid me either. Getting her clothes off wasn't a difficult task but, "Undressing you would have been easier if you helped."

"I have to let you impregnate me. I don't have to participate." Her tone was defiant, as was her posture. She stood erect, shoulders drawn back, body on display. If what she said about not sleeping with a man since her lover, Dan, had died, then I was the first man to see her nude in decades.

My erection rose in response to the sight. "I can't impregnate you if you don't participate."

She glared daggers. "I can't stop you from kissing me, but I don't have to kiss back. I can't stop you from touching me, but I don't have to touch you. I can't stop you from putting that pathetic thing inside me and cumming, but I don't have to participate in your mission to knock me up."

But with a word, I could change that. I could have the Legendary Sucker sucking my dick like her life depended on it. I could have her spreading her legs for me like I was her lover risen from the dead. I could make her believe that bearing my children was the highest honor known to man.

I did none of those things. "It's fine if you don't want to ride me this time."

The smirk on my face must have tipped her off that something wasn't right about my statement. "This time?"

"I need to make sure that you're pregnant, don't I? It takes three months for women to start showing, so at the very least, I'm going to keep you company for the next three months."

"What if I could tell you whether I was pregnant sooner?"

It was an interesting proposal. I intended to use my powers to pursue international objectives such as getting **** for the Sand-Sound invasion and gathering more bloodlines for Konoha once my domestic objectives were complete.

If my only domestic objective was impregnating Tsunade, there would be no way for me to justify turning down her offer.

Impregnating Tsunade wasn't my only domestic objective, however.

The Kurama Clan had once made up the bulk of Konoha's elite genjutsu users. Consequently, they had been targeted by enemy ninja like the Senju were and were now on the verge of extinction. I intended to aid the last heiress of the clan, Yakumo Kurama, in the same manner I was aiding Tsunade.

Beyond Tsunade and Yakumo, more objectives might emerge over the next three months. I didn't wish to commit to a course of action prematurely, so I told Tsunade, "I'll probably be visiting you for three months regardless."

"I'm not surprised you're not turned off by the prospect of me imitating a sex doll. I'm sure fucking sex dolls isn't an unfamiliar sensation for you."

My hand caressed her breast. "Sex dolls aren't so warm." I flicked a nipple. "Sex dolls can't moan."

"I would never moan for you," Tsunade snorted.

"Never say never. It's been decades since you've had a cock inside you. You might enjoy it."

Tsunade didn't need words to express how remote she found that possibility when her expression sufficed.

The words weren't meant to sway her. They were to provide the pretext I needed to make my new command seem innocuous: "I bet you're going to be begging for my touch by the time you're pregnant with our firstborn."

Tsunade grimaced at the reminder of my plans for her, but then her face smoothed over. Blank and expressionless as a manufactured sex doll.

The change coincided with my step towards her; a precursor to touching her and beginning the procreative process. Her change was undoubtedly an attempt to make good on her earlier promise to make our sessions feel like I was fucking a sex doll.

Impassivity was the weapon Tsunade had chosen. If she couldn't deny me access to her body, then she could at least minimize my enjoyment of it. Between her looks and my command, the futility of her efforts was ensured.

By the time she was pregnant, probably around three months from now, she'd be begging for my touch. My words were prophecy. They would come true irrespective of how Tsunade felt about them.

As to her efforts to deny me enjoyment until then: being the most beautiful woman in the world doomed that effort, as did the fact that she had been nude for the last ten minutes.

I ravished her eagerly.

Notes: Originally, the ending of the chapter wasn't supposed to be 'I ravished her eagerly.' I was going to write a lemon where Tsunade was ravished and sort-of did here:

Upon editing, I realized it was stale and I could do better... if Tsunade talked. Dialogue is one way that I like spicing up lemon scenes. Eg:

"What do you think of the mating press?"

"I hate it almost as much as I hate you." The words might have sounded more sincere if she didn't moan with every thrust. If her face wasn't flushed and if sweat hadn't matted her blonde hair, making it lie flat against her scalp.

My eyes landed on her fingers.

Without dialogue, the sex scenes were boring and unimaginative. If you want to read the archived version, feel free. That said I think that a follow-up chapter dedicated exclusively to sex would be better.

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