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Chapter 3 by Peewee2024 Peewee2024

What happened?

Caught After Shower

It was a fateful day when I decided to take a quick shower after my rigorous training session at the local dojo. Little did I know that this seemingly innocuous act would lead to a humiliating encounter with the most unlikeliest of people: the ever-teasing Takagi-san. As I stepped out of the shower, my towel slipped off its precarious perch, revealing my tiny, flaccid manhood to the cool air of the bathroom. In an instant, I felt a pair of eyes boring into my exposed flesh. "Huh," I heard Takagi-san chuckle, "I didn't know you were this small." Her words stung like a thousand needles piercing my pride. "You should've warned me," she added with a mischievous grin, "I would've brought a tape measure."

She then took out her phone, snapped a few pictures of my naked form, and before I could even process what was happening, she disappeared as swiftly as a ninja. "Oh no," I groaned, realizing the gravity of the situation. Takagi-san now had photographic evidence of my humiliation, and she wasn't the type to let such a golden opportunity slip through her fingers. The thought of those pictures ending up on social media or worse, in the hands of my rivals, sent shivers down my spine. "This is bad," I muttered to myself, "this is really bad."

With nowhere to hide and no way to undo what had already been done, I resigned myself to facing the consequences. As I began to dress, I could already hear the muffled sound of laughter echoing through the hallways. It was only a matter of time before Takagi-san revealed her trophies to the entire school. "Well," I sighed, "I guess there's no use in denying it now." I steeled myself for the inevitable onslaught of teasing and embarrassment that awaited me. "I just hope they don't go too far," I murmured under my breath.

Determined to salvage some semblance of dignity, I gathered my courage and marched over to Takagi-san's house. As I knocked on her door, my heart raced with a mixture of fear and anger. She answered a few moments later, her signature smirk plastered across her face. "Ah, it's you," she said casually, "Come in." I hesitantly stepped inside, feeling as though I were walking into a lion's den.

Her room was messy, as always, with clothes strewn about and books piled high on every available surface. "What do you want?" she asked, leaning against her desk. "I've already got the pictures I need." My anger boiled over at her nonchalant tone. "You can't just do that," I stammered, "That's ****!"

She shrugged indifferently. "It's not like anyone would care about some tiny thing like that," she said, gesturing towards my crotch area. "Besides, it's not like you're going to tell anyone, right?" Her words cut deep, but I refused to let her bait me into a confrontation. "Look," I said, trying to maintain my composure, "just promise me you won't show those pictures to anyone else."

She considered my request for a moment before responding. "Hmm...alright," she said, flashing a devious grin. "I won't show them to anyone else. But," she added, leaning in conspiratorially, "I might just keep them as a little souvenir." My heart sank as her words confirmed my worst fears. "But," she continued, "in return, I want you to do something for me."

I braced myself, expecting the worst. "What do you want me to do?" I asked, trying to sound as non-threatening as possible.

Strip naked and get that tiny thing hard she said .

"You're not serious, are you?" I asked, feeling a mixture of disbelief and embarrassment. But then again, this was Takagi-san we were talking about. She was known for her twisted sense of humor. "Fine," I muttered under my breath, "but you're not going to like it."

I slowly began to undress, my heart pounding in my ears. I couldn't help but feel self-conscious as I stood there in front of her, my body bared. "And for what it's worth," I added, trying to regain some of my lost dignity, "I'm not doing this because you blackmailed me. I'm doing it because I'm a good sport." She raised an eyebrow at my comment, but didn't respond.

As I stood there, naked and exposed, I could feel the warmth spreading through my body. Despite her earlier comments about its size, I couldn't help but hope that it might impress her. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to ignore the nervous butterflies in my stomach. "There," I said, my voice quivering slightly. "I'm as hard as I can get."

There was a moment of silence before I heard her laugh. Not the cruel, mocking laugh I had expected, but rather a soft, almost amused chuckle. It was as if she were enjoying this whole situation more than I could ever imagine. "Well, well, well," she drawled, walking around me slowly. "That's...intriguing." Her words sent a shiver down my spine. "But I'm not quite satisfied yet."

What's next?

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