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Chapter 2 by bungakawa2000 bungakawa2000

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A night on Hoth - The Game

*** Data collected and verified by High Chairman Som’nos, honorary member of the THA, currently affiliated to the Mon Calamari Social Studies Institute.

Foreword: “Seclusion, long and stressful days, friendship and ****... Brewed together, these ingredients more often that not lead to sexual promiscuity. It is also a good summary of what life on Hoth was like for the rebel forces: rarely seeing the sun and under the constant threat of being discovered by the Empire, the soldiers stationed on the frozen planet were known for being quick to anger, and even quicker to friendship. Though **** was prohibited in the base, an underground market for this substance existed, supplied in part by no other than Han Solo who never totally relinquished from his smuggler's life. Her link with the famous and exuberant pilot of the Falcon and the fact females were scarce on the base makes it not at all surprising to learn that shocking stories concerning her person circulated quite vividly among the Hoth population.

But were they only rumors? Many ex-soldiers stationed on Hoth at the same time as Leia graciously allowed us to consult their personal diaries, in which many interesting gossips were recorded. Long studies of these written records along with numerous interviews allowed us to pinpoint what seems to be the original rumor, purified from its many alternatives, variants and other deformations. Surprisingly, it appears that the "rumor" underwent no modifications at its core before the destruction of the Hoth base. This, along with the speed at which it spread among the troops and the particularly vivid description some soldiers give of the incident lead us to think that some convincing pieces of evidences, like a video or audio record, were lost or destroyed upon the Imperial **** on the frozen planet. It is to be noted this particular rumor has never been formally denied by any of the involved parties.” Signed: H.C. Som’nos.***

All lights in the base were dimmed: it was "night" and the walls took an even more livid aspect in the semi-darkness. Leia walked alone in a large corridor, towards the dormitories. It had been another awful day, with no less than three false alarms. When the sun had set - or so they guessed when the lights were dimmed - , the whole base was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Herself found her body ready to rest, but her mind kept on racing frantically.

A burst of mocking laughter startled her as she walked past an ajar door. She knew this room to be small, more akin to a refurbished pantry than to an actual dormitory but its two residents liked it that way: Han Solo and Chewbacca had been turned off by the common rooms, insisting to be given a place they could arrange to their liking. "They can never do anything like anyone else..." thought Leia, slightly annoyed as she pushed the door open.

Apparently, Solo had just pulled up an astonishing move on Chewie in one of those strange board games they fancied. The Wookiee stared angrily at his friend, who kept celebrating nonetheless. "Never seen that one coming, did you?! No you didn't! Oh no!" He burst out laughing again when Chewbacca growled and protested in his rough guttural language. He stood up and kicked his low stool before Leia put an end to their argument with a clear and loud "Excuse me, gentlemen!"

They turned towards her. "Princess!" exclaimed Han, standing with a grin and a half-full flask in his right hand. "Unlikely to be water", she thought. She closed the door behind her and, scowling, uttered: "Don't you realize there are people sleeping nearby after a hard day's work?
-Well, as a matter of fact, I think we're supposed to be sleeping as well, answered Han. By the way, you look awfully tired.
-I can't sleep, answered Leia seriously. But at least, I have enough respect for those who can to not make a ruckus." She sighed silently, hoping it wasn't too late to avoid yet another confrontation that day. The diplomat in her judged it better to say nothing about the flask and redirect the conversation onto a more casual subject. "What are you playing now?
-Polase, answered Han after a second. A traditional game from Mon Calamari. Must be why the tree-dwellers can't seem to grasp the subtleties of a sea-born game." Chewbacca let loose a sharp and resentful growl. "Care to join us, Princess? asked Han with half a bow. You stormed in just as the last round ended."

Leia barely hesitated. Anything that could distract her busy mind was welcome, and she rationalized that keeping an eye on this turbulent duo couldn't hurt. She looked at the alien board and the small holographic figurines. "What are the rules?" she asked, grabbing a stool Han produced from behind his bed with a grin.

The three of them sat down and went over what she needed to know. Finally, they were ready to start a 3 players game. "Oh, I almost forgot! interrupted Han. Chewie, you owe me one." The Wookiee protested, but he knew the rules: he honored his wager by handing over a silvery lock. "You play for money?!
-Oh no, not money, Princess... For whatever we agree to bet, and only in tight games. But not money, it would serve no purpose to rip each other off..
-Very well..." she answered. "Pass the bottle." A little surprised, Han handed her the flask. The draught of bitter liquor burned in Leia's throat and they started playing.

How will the game evolve?

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