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A Lower budget Comic Con Event.

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Katherine McNamara had attended many comic con events, but she had never attended One such like this, for it seemed that the many fans cosplaying, were of a different sort of people, seeming to be a bit rash, for one had Seemingly & accidentally rubbed against her, and she could swear, that she felt a hand fondling her ass in a group photo.

Now her agent had warned her that the Comic-Con being held was in a rougher city’s arena, and that it’s fan’s could be a bit bold and entitled, and also telling her, that she just need to tolerate & bare throughout it all, firmly reminding her that, she needed this for the publicity, endorsements, and to help her career.

Katherine now fumed angrily in silence dreading each interactions with the many fans, for her agent failed to mention, that security was going to be lacking that its few guards were lazy and rarely seen, allowing the fans to have, a unchecked free for all, so it seemed.

Worst of all was that Margot Robbie had decided to attend the event dressed as the infamous Harley Quinn, for all the fan’s seemed to be giving her all the attention, which was fine mostly for Katherine, do to the nature of the events fans, but still she couldn’t help, feeling just a little bit jealous.

Thus Katherine McNamara glared at Margot Robbie, as Robbie shuffled passed smiling, then quickly opened a Secluded hall way door, but quickly put it out of her mind, for moments later a very suspicious looking fan dressed, as the infamous insane Joker followed Margot Robbie, and disappeared after her, with a malicious type grin.

Thus making her think maybe I should follow, and if need be phone the cops, for if she is in some trouble, I should at the very lest make sure that my follow actress is safe.

However at that moment Katherine noticed three comic con fans dressed as Arsenal, John Diggle and the heroica Green Arrow, making their way towards her.

Causing her to reconsider the whole to Investigate Margot Robbie situation, and that creepy cosplaying Joker Following her, for it was probably nothing , and besides Margot Robbie could handle herself.

Making her feel conflicted and struggling to chose for she now also wanted to greet her fan’s.

“What Does Katherine chose to do, Follow Margot Robbie, or Does She Greet her Arrow Series Cosplaying Fan’s?”

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