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Chapter 3 by Mystery Meat Mystery Meat

How will she end up naked?

(The Last) Beach day gone wrong.

Hinata was bored, she had done so many missions as of that she could barely remember what the village looked like or even some of its residents.

So in order to get her mind off her recent difficulties she decided to take a day to relax at the beach by herself, since most of friend we're off on missions or going to work that day including her boyfriend Naruto Uzumaki.

While packing her swim bag for her day at the beach she tried on her old orange one piece swimsuit to see if it still fit her, and fortunately it still did despite it being a little bit tighter in her breast area and squeezed a little on her ass. Sometimes Hinata enjoyed her "assets" in private because she didn't like to show off often even to Naruto, sure it was a pain at the hot springs to always be looked at with envy by the other women because her boobs would always float up in the water despite trying to keep them down, but at least her boyfriend found her beautiful and that's really all she needed.

After she had packed all her beach needs Hinata left the Hyuga complex and went off on her day to herself, once she got there she laid out her beach towel near a changing room and soon after entered one of them to change into her old one piece bathing suit.

Hinata quickly stripped due to the heat exhausting her to the limit, once she was naked she took a second to wipe off the sweat running down her curvy pale body, looking down at herself she blushed while admiring her fit body for what it was which surprised her because she normally never did such a thing when she was naked.

"I guess being with Naruto has raised my confidence a bit." Hinata giggled

When her moment was over Hinata got dressed pretty quickly out of fear that she would maybe be walked in on after hearing some passing voices, her nervousness resulted her getting changed a bit too quickly as she accidentally created a tear in the swimsuit at the back near her butt.

Exiting the room, Hinata proceeded to get in the water before some of the waves hit deciding she did not want the difficulty of fighting the waves off and possibly slipping. She swam out pretty far away from the shore to enjoy the cool feeling of the ocean in contrast to the sun's power that day, when she took a second to take in her current surroundings she got a full scope of the crowded beach seeing all the people enjoying the break from all the heat, kids were playing and most of the older people had either taken to tanning or to playing volleyball.

"It's nice to enjoy all this peace time since in the war ended, I just wish I had someone else to enjoy the day with. I miss Naruto and the others...I bet Neji would've enjoyed days like this to." Hinata sighed as she let her mind wander off, "...Well I shouldn't let this get me down, I gotta stay positive and just relaaaaaaax."

Hinata then took in a large breath before going under the water and exploring the sea floor, although she was unable to open her eyes due to the salt the wonder of being completely submerged in the water loosened her up so much and relieved any bodily tension.

She couldn't hold her breath for much longer so she positioned herself to shoot upward...but she was caught by something, she couldnt tell what but each time she sprung her legs her body wouldn't leave the position she was in. To make matters worse her ass was getting squeezed tighter and tighter by her swimsuit, making Hinata realize that her swimsuit was caught on something, unable to see it Hinata couldn't tell but it was caught on a rock where the suit had torn a small hole when she put it on earlier.

Hinata kept trying to spring free but the suit wouldn't budge at all and she was running out of air fast, the pressure of each push kept hurting her tight ass and the top of the suit kept tugging on her double D's hurting her chest and nipples getting more and more painful. Becoming completely panicked Hinata couldn't believe that she may die here today on her day off after all she had been through throughout the years is this really, she had come to far to die here she had a life with all her friends and the one she loved most in this world, she swam down to the ground holding onto the rock right below her for one final ultimate push to free her from her predicament.

"One, two, THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Hinata pushed with every ounce of might he had harnessing her chakara and pushed as hard as she could tugging her breasts so much that they had popped out of the suit and struggled against her shoulders causing a small tear in the skin, her body struggling against the pressure of the water and gravity she rose up quick from her position and stretched her suit more and more and more and-


She was free at last!

Hinata shot out of the surface of the water coughing violently but the noise was cancelled out by the beach-goers, trying to regain her breath after her close encounter with the grim reaper and getting the life back in her heaving so much that her bosoms swelled more with each air intake.

A few moments passed as she tried to regain her senses and stamina, once she was in the clear she took a second to relax again not wanting to exhaust herself and actually drown on her way back to the shore so she began to rub her shoulders where the swimsuit had torn against her while trying to escape, while rubbing she noticed that her straps had fallen off so she tried to adjust them...only to find nothing.

Her eyes shot open, Hinata had felt around her body and felt only her bare naked skin realizing that in all the chaos of survival her suit had given way and ripped in two, looking down her breasts had floated up causing her to quickly cover them before someone saw and once she did that she got view of the top part of her suit was sinking to the bottom.

Hinata was now naked, in the sea, at a crowded beach...

What's next?

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