The Last Man Standing

The Last Man Standing

Well at least the story of of of them

Chapter 1 by Firstup Firstup

A comet is flying above Earth, John Doe is watching it as he sits on the roof like any other classic show that needs a plot point. As it flys above, he thinks about his life. His family isn't rich, but they have enough to go to college and have some savings built up, they decided to have a small house in the suburbs of the town, but now that he is there, he has little idea what to do. He lost his motivation long ago and now lives day to day, John doesn't even have any real friends, just his roommate, but he doesn't want to think about that right now. He wants to think about the sight in front of him, the beautiful comet. It is coming close enough that it will bounce off the atmosphere, and he could tell.

As it comes closer, he thinks to himself, "Well, might as well make a wish. I wish that everything would change"

Without knowing, the comet was silently spreading a virus across the Earth. It's only weeks later do people realize what is happening as the world around them slowly starts to change. Men around the world slowly start to get sick and die off, at first it is written off but soon there is a shortage of work and slowly people begin to realize that there is a massive problem. A month later over half the men on the planet have died, most of the people John knew have either died or gone missing, he morns but can't go out since no one knows how it was spread around so quickly. After the second-month women start to notice the changes as well, they seem more protective and the ones that have men in their lives seem to be healthier, your roommate leaves and breaks quarantine to be with some family up north, you wish him the best but with how he looked you know that you would never see him again.

3 Months ago

The government has collapsed, women are to take up every major role since men have died out faster than they can be replaced. There has been some good news, some men that have been sick have gotten better, in their towns they are hailed nearly as gods as they have everything they do studied to see why they survived. It's now well known that the comet caused the disease and is commonly cited as the source of all of this.

A month later the virus starts to change women, they become smarter and stronger, other diseases are no longer a problem, even deadly ones become as simple as colds, the same happens for men but it isn't as widely reported, people were coming over to check on John but they more or less stopped, though he has more than enough food stockpiled up for a month or two.

A Month or Two later

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