Lilith Reborn

Lilith Reborn

A Covenant of Lust

Chapter 1 by Corruptor Corruptor

There have always been those who delve into the occult. That would be an understatement for the "Covenant of Lust," a group of Lilith worshipers from around the globe. This group has members from all social classes and walks of life, but all share one common trait: complete reverence for their "goddess."

Today is a special day for the Covenant. Months of planning and organizing have led to this grand moment. Deep in an abandoned quarry in Pennsylvania, the Covenant's "Arch-demon" makes the final preparations for tonight's ceremony. Of course, the quarry only appears abandoned. In fact, "Adam," as he calls himself now, owns this quarry. He convinced the Covenant that this place would be suitable for their Mistress's ascension, and so, on this special night, five other leading priests and priestesses of Lilith stand in a cave inlaid in the wall of the quarry. Far from a simple tunnel, this is a temple, complete with ornate carvings and statues; it is clear this endeavor is not young. As these thoughts passed through the Arch-demon's mind, he beheld his compatriots, two other men and three women, all naked under their crimson robes, he knew.

"My brothers and sisters!" he intoned, ready to begin, "the time is now!"

Standing on a carefully chalked Seal of Lilith, already properly lit with candles, each on one of the letters of Lilith, the six begged their mistress to complete their ritual. In the center of the Seal was an ancient vase, inscribed with prayers to the goddess and depictions of her beauty.

As the ritual stretched on for an hour, Adam felt it and raised his arms allowing his robe to fall away; as rehearsed, the others followed in tandem.

"Lilith, your humble servants beg you, bestow upon us your gift!"

With that, a red glow filled the room, emanating from the vase. Grinning evilly, Adam retrieved the vase and peered inside to behold the elixir of Lilith, her very essence distilled in a humanity-rending virus.

Each of the six drank deeply in turn, moaning as Lilith claimed them, mind, body, and soul. The women blossomed before the now crimson-slitted dark eyes of the group. Bodies warped into sinful proportions. Wings and horns erupted as carnal moans echoed out of the cave.

Six demons were born this night.

Six demons hailing from countries across the globe.

Six demons intent on one goal: Lilith Reborn!

You are an innocent, unknowingly hailing from the same country as a newborn demon. Who are you?

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