From older sister to submissive bimbo

From older sister to submissive bimbo

Sisters should not be trusted.

Chapter 1 by bricktamland bricktamland

Elizabeth sat in her sister's high ceiling living room and cried. "And they're giving him a few months severance, but after that we'll have nothing!"

Megan comforted her blonde older sister as she sobbed on. "It's ok, Elizabeth, really. Jeff will find a job, the economy isn't that bad right now. I'm sure he can find one."

Megan held her older sister's hands in her own. They'd always been a bit distant, owing to the fact that Elizabeth was 34, and Megan only 28. Megan had always been the more driven and responsible of the two sisters. She was fresh out of law school, and had already landed a job at one of the nation's top law firms. Elizabeth on the other hand had muddled through college and gotten an MRS degree as easily as she could. She and Jeff had been married for 8 years now, and she had refused any suggestion that she get a regular job, or the prospect of kids.

Elizabeth shook her head, blonde curls swaying back and forth. "His whole industry is crashing thanks to outsourcing. All of the jobs are getting sent to other countries. There's no work!"

Megan shook her head, her light brown hair pulled into a reserved bun to match her gray power suit. She knew about her sister's prejudices about 'immigrants' and people from other countries, and it always made her shake her head. They had grown up in a well to do upper middle class white neighborhood together, and Elizabeth was still in her bubble. She even dressed the part, always in some class, too expensive top and slacks, as if she were about to attend a school PTA meeting.

She turned to her younger sister, tears in her eyes. "Megan, I hate to ask this, but do you know if your law firm has any openings? Not for Jeff, for me. It can be anything. I have a college degree, but you know I haven't worked in a few years. Jeff said he didn't think it was necessary, but I know he's just saying that. Please, I'll do anything."

Megan thought for a moment at how she might be able to help her older sister. A memory of a similar time when she was in college sprung to mind. She had been up to her eyes in student debt, and needed help to make a rent payment on her small apartment. Elizabeth had told her to go get a minimum wage job, and the she wasn't her mother.

An idea formed in Megan's head.

"Please," Elizabeth pleaded, not knowing what else to ask. "We even had to get rid of our newline smart phones and get these pieces of crap." She gestured to a cheap flip phone in her hand.

Megan smiled reassuringly. "Well first off, I can get you a new phone. There's this new company, Borderless Integrated Metropolitan Broadcast Organization, that's selling cheap but good phones. I'll get you one as a present from me." Elizabeth brightened a little.

Megan continued, "Sis, I think I know something that you might be able to do."

What job does Megan have for Elizabeth?

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