Be careful what you wish for

Be careful what you wish for

A powerful touch power

Chapter 1 by sammy123 sammy123

Author note: the first 2 thread are not mine they are the property of Anostus his story "Djinn and tonic" on I want to take the perfect beginning of his story and take it elsewhere. I do not have the permission from the original author to use part of his story so if he/she wants me to change it I will. In the meantime, I hope many people will write for the story to grow. I'm not a native english speaker so please bare with me for the many mistakes and strange wording that will pop after the first 2 threads (because it will be 100% original content). I hope you will appreciate despise theses shortcomings.

John was walking back home. His car had recently been totaled (luckily he had escaped unscathed), and his parents couldn’t drive him, since they were busy with some project or another that his younger sister, Amy, was working on. Not a great way to start Spring Break.

John walked with his eyes to the ground, only looking up when he came to a crosswalk. That’s when he noticed a strange gleam in his peripheral vision. He looked up and saw a perfectly good lamp that someone had apparently thrown out, lying on its side in the driveway of one of his neighbors. Normally he would have left such a thing lying in the driveway it now rested in, but something about it drew him to it.

He walked up to the lamp, and picked it up. It felt light in his hands, and he wondered if maybe the reason it was so unceremoniously tossed out was because it was broken. He rubbed some dirt off of the lamp and was very surprised and sparks like fireworks come off of it, and smoke begin to fill the air around him.

When the smoke cleared, he saw a beautiful, exotic-looking woman in what looked like a belly-dancer outfit standing before him. “Your wish is my command master.”

John stood there blinking uncertainly for a few seconds before he started examining the lamp and looking for the cameras that were obviously hiding somewhere. After looking in the bushes and searching his surroundings, he still hadn’t found any cameras.

“Is this for real?” John asked incredulously.
“Yes,” the genie said simply, “this is ‘for real’, as you say. You get three wishes, and then I have to wait for the next person to rub my lamp.”
James looked down at the lamp in his hands. “Isn’t this lamp a little modern for a genie?”

“We have to change with the times. I can make my lamp look like any source of illumination.”
John was still sure that he was being punked, so he said “Alright, if you can really make it look like any source of illumination, make this lamp look like a flashlight.”

The genie nodded politely and snapped her fingers, and before he could say “presto-chango”, James was holding a flash light, which he quickly dropped in surprise. The genie gave him a dirty look and picked up the flash light, pressing it back into his hand. “Be careful, that’s my house your dropping!”

“So, you… live in this thing?”
“Yep,” she said glumly, “for as long as I can remember.”
“So, you really are a genie, then.” John said, still only half-believing it.
“That’s what I said, yeah.” The genie responded patiently.
“Are there any limits to your powers?”
“Pretty much just ‘no wishing for more wishes’…” She walked up to his side gently leaned on his arm and began whispering in his ear, in a low seductive tone, “other than that, any of your fantasies can be made real.”
“Well, if you’re the real deal, then this shouldn’t be so hard: I wish my car was fixed.” John said.

The genie snapped her fingers and right there in front of his eyes was his car exactly as it was before the accident. John stood there, slightly in shock. Even though the flashlight had almost been enough to convince before, he now had no doubts that this was the genuine article. He pulled out the keys he was still carrying around out of habit, and got in the car.

“Do you want shotgun?” he said calling out to the genie that was still standing in the street.
“If it pleases you, master,” she said taking opening the door and sitting beside him.
As they drove back home, John was thinking about all the things he could wish for, when a though occurred to him. “I don’t know you name genie. What should I call you?”
“My last master called me Desiree, but you can call me whatever you want,” she said.
“Well, Desiree it is. We’re going to get to know each other very well…”

Time for the 2nd wish

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