Magic the Gathering: A New Planeswalker

Magic the Gathering: A New Planeswalker

The story of a guy named Eric.

Chapter 1 by GreenMan123 GreenMan123

I glanced into the darkness of the alleyway. I couldn't see anything, but that didn't mean no one was there. This time of night you had to be careful.

I quickly peeked at my watch, I was supposed to be at work already. The alley was a shortcut that could cut fifteen minutes off my route.

"Screw it" I jogged into the alley.

I had barely stepped into the alley when a big arm grabbed me by my collar and threw me deeper into the darkness. As I staggered back up to my feet, I noticed four men surrounding me. Panic rose in my throat and my heartbeat picked up to a heavy gallop.

The men gathered around.

"Y-you can take m-m-my phone and wallet, but I d-don't have anything else" I stuttered out in terror.

The biggest man approached, I couldn't see much through the hazy shadows, but I could make out the fact that he was huge, around 6'6, and holding a gun.

"I know you have more" he said hungrily "I know you've got something worth something."

"That's all I have, I swear" I pleaded "just, let me go, I won't tell anyone anything, I promise"

The man grabbed me and shoved me against the rough brick behind me, the hard edges digging into my back. He brought the handle of his gun down across my face, hard.

"The next time you lie, I'll splatter your brain across that motherfucking wall, do you want that?" he asked as he rammed the barrel under my chin.

The other men laughed, clearly enjoying their leader's descriptive threat.

The leader pulled back the hammer and placed the barrel on my skull, "give me something, I've put people in the ground before, I'm not afraid to do it again."

Then, something inside me lit up, like a match or a spark, something that warmed my cold hands and calmed me down. It felt like raw unadulterated power.

Edit: For the very few people who read this story consistently, sorry for almost never writing. My story isn't very popular and there never seemed to be much reason to write except for the rare occasion when I want to. I also realized that my first story is probably pretty light on the porn. Unfortunately, that won't change much with the white and blue storyline, there's just too much character and story for me to write and simple porn story on that line. However, sometime soon I might start a new line that is heavier on the porn and lighter on the character and actual real story, though there will still be story. That person will probably be a worse person who wouldn't feel bad about using magic to coerce women into sex or something like that.

What kind (color) of power is it?

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