Taking Control of My Neighbors

The start of my army of hypnotized slaves.

Chapter 1 by Rinderpest Rinderpest

[Sidenote, I love reading comments. Either for what I did well or badly, as well as ideas. Give me whatever idea you'd like, or add it yourself! Or send a message, those are great too! :D]

You're name is Eric, you've recently started a new goal, you've been reading up on hypnosis. You think you know enough to try it out on someone and see how it goes. You'd try a friend, but you really want to try to push someone's boundaries. Your classmate, Savannah lives down the road. Her step-mother, Christina is a 5'5 beauty. Korean immigrant, mid 40's, long black hair, normally dark red lips. You've had a thing for her as long as you can remember.

You walk outside and see Christina in her garden, nobody else around. Now may be a good time to try to hypnotize her. You walk up to her, "Hi Christina, what are you up to?"

Christina smiles at you, you've always been a good boy to her, one that she'd like to date her daughter, a nice guy. "Oh hello Eric, how are you today?" She asks, in an asian accent.

"Doing pretty well, just bored and wanted to come say hi." You say cheerfully.

"Savannah is in the house if you want her." She says, just as happy.

"Thanks, but I was hoping you'd be able to help me with something first, please look into my eyes." you say, staring at her with a sudden seriousness.

"uhhh, okay?" She states, confusedly as she looks into your eyes. "What am I looking for?"

You're using your eyes as a visual focus. You've read about this, Christina focuses on one point, over a long period, becoming relaxed. She becomes much more open for suggestion. For control. "Just look into them, I want to show you this really cool thing I've learned, but you just need to look into my eyes and relax your mind."

She's already started, you see her becoming more and more relaxed as time goes by. She's completely dropped whatever gardening instrument she could have had. "Yes... relax..."

I speak to her gently, almost a suggestion rather than an order. "You hear my voice, and only my voice. You want to hear me, and do as I say, don't you?"

She responds in a slight monotone, "Yes... I want to hear you... and do what you say..." as she stares blankly into your eyes at this point. You know you have her, she is now yours.

"The longer you look into my eyes, the stronger the desire to do exactly as I say, and the harder it is to bring yourself to look away. Do you understand?"
She responds submissively "Yes... I understand..."

You know you have her. "You are now my ****, Christina. I am now your master, you'll do exactly as I say. Wont you?"

Now's the moment whether she'll obey, or break free. After a pause, she says to you in her new monotone "yes master. I will be your ****." She's yours.

"Now, Christina. When I snap my fingers, you will awaken from this trance, and you will be my ****. You will be completely aware of all your actions, but you will be **** to obey me. You will be aware you're only my **** because you've been hypnotized, but you will still obey me. You will also not attempt to alert anybody that you've been enslaved, you will not attempt to escape, you will simply live your life now as my ****. Do you understand? Will you obey me?"

She takes in your orders, while still in her trance. "Yes master, I understand your orders, and I will obey you when I wake up."

"Good girl." you smile as you look at her entranced eyes, her submissive stance. You reach up to her ear, and snap your fingers. She flinches, and is free of her trance. She looks at you, unimpressed.
"You hypnotized me? I thought you were a nice boy!" she says in an angry tone. "You made me your ****? What are you going to do to me now?"
"Well, I am a nice boy, you'll find me a nice master too." you say slyly. "And as for what I'm going to do to you... I'm going to do everything and more until I'm tired of you. Then you can go back to your normal life until I want you again."

"What? What are you going to do?"

What do you do to her?

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